DS481 Datasheet, mode equivalent, National Semiconductor

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Part number: DS481

Manufacturer: National Semiconductor

File Size: 156.62KB

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Description: Low Power RS-485/RS-422 Multipoint Transceiver with Sleep Mode

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DS481 Features and benefits

n n n n n n n Meets TIA/EIA RS-485 multipoint standard Sleep mode reduces ICC to 0.2 µA Guaranteed full load output voltage (V OD3) Low quiescent current: 200 µA typ −7V .

DS481 Application

Information section). The transceiver draws 200 µA of supply current when unloaded or 0.2 µA when in the automatic sleep.

DS481 Description

The DS481 is a low-power transceiver for RS-485 and RS-422 communication. The device contains one driver and one receiver. The drivers slew rate allows for operation up to 2.0 Mbps (see Applications Information section). The transceiver draws 200 µA .

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National Semiconductor

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