- NCV3066

NCV3066 Datasheet, regulator equivalent, ON Semiconductor

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Part number: NCV3066

Manufacturer: ON Semiconductor (

File Size: 1.67MB

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Description: Constant Current Buck Boost Inverting Switching Regulator

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PDF File Details

Part number: NCV3066

Manufacturer: ON Semiconductor (

File Size: 1.67MB

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Description: Constant Current Buck Boost Inverting Switching Regulator

NCV3066 Features and benefits

* Integrated 1.5 A Switch
* Input Voltage Range from 3.0 V to 40 V
* Logic Level Shutdown Capability
* Low Feedback Voltage of 235 mV
* Cycle−by−Cycle.

NCV3066 Application

as well as unregulated supplies such as rechargeable batteries. The NCP3066 switching regulator can be configured in Ste.

NCV3066 Description

Pin No. Pin Name 1 Switch Collector 2 Switch Emitter 3 Timing Capacitor 4, EP Flag GND 5 Comparator Inverting Input 6 VCC 7 Ipk 8 ON/OFF Description Internal Darlington switch collector. Internal Darlington switch emitter. Timing C.

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ON Semiconductor

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