
30kHz Datasheet, Features, Application


rating-1 16

CX103 - 530kHz to 2.1MHz Miniature Quartz Crysta

CX103 CRYSTAL 530 kHz to 2.1 MHz Miniature Quartz Crystal Fundamental AT -Cut Quartz Crystal DESCRIPTION The CX103 quartz crystal is a high quality .
rating-1 13

MP1591DS - 330KHz Step-Down Converter

The Future of Analog IC Technology DESCRIPTION The MP1591 is a high voltage step-down converter ideal for automotive power adapter battery chargers. .
rating-1 12

MP1591DN - 330KHz Step-Down Converter

The Future of Analog IC Technology DESCRIPTION The MP1591 is a high voltage step-down converter ideal for automotive power adapter battery chargers. .
Taiwan Semiconductor Company
rating-1 3

TS2508 - 3A / 330KHz PWM Buck Converter

TS2508 2A / 330KHz PWM Buck Converter SOP-8 Pin Definition: 1. FB 8. Vss 2. Enable 7. Vss 3. Ocset 6. SW 4. Vcc 5. SW General Description TS2.
rating-1 3

AMMP-5024 - 30kHz - 40 GHz Traveling Wave Amplifer

AMMP-5024 30kHz – 40 GHz Traveling Wave Amplifier www.DataSheet4U.com Data Sheet Description Avago Technologies’ AMMP-5024 is a broadband PHEMT Ga.
Taiwan Semiconductor Company
rating-1 2

TS2508A - 3A / 330KHz PWM Buck Converter

3A / 330KHz PWM Buck Converter SOP-8 Pin Definition: 1. FB 5. Vss 2. Enable 6. Vss 3. Ocset 7. SW 4. Vcc 5. SW www.DataSheet4U.com TS2508A General .
rating-1 2

RAA211412 - 45V 1A 630kHz DC/DC Step-Down Regulator

RAA211412 45V 1A 630kHz DC/DC Step-Down Regulator Datasheet The RAA211412 is a DC/DC step-down (Buck) regulator that supports a wide operating input.
Taiwan Semiconductor Company
rating-1 1

TS2507 - 0.5A / 330KHz PWM Buck Controller

0.5A / 330KHz PWM Buck Controller SOP-8 Pin Definition: 1. EN 5. FB 2. Comp 6. Vss 3. Ocset 7. LX 4. Vcc 5. Gate www.DataSheet4U.com TS2507 General.
rating-1 1

MP1591 - 330KHz Step-Down Converter

The Future of Analog IC Technology DESCRIPTION The MP1591 is a high voltage step-down converter ideal for automotive power adapter battery chargers. .
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