STI3470 - 2.0A Synchronous Step-Down Converter
STI3470 600KHz, 18V,2.0A Synchronous Step-Down Converter FEATURES · High Efficiency: Up to 95% · High Efficiency: Up to 95% · 600KHz Frequency Opera.PT320AT01-1 - TFT LCD
PT320AT01-1 Product Specification Model name: PT320AT01-1 Ver. 1.0 Date: 29. Mar.2017 ( ) Preliminary Specification ( v ) Approval Specification A.30J127 - 600V 200A IGBT MOSFET
MOSFET 600V 200A IGBT Número de parte: GT30J127 Descripción: IGBT PARA APLICACIONES DE PANTALLAS DE TELEVISION DE PLASMA TO-220 Voltaje: 600V Corrient.LSC320AN10 - LCD Module
Product Specification ( √ ) Preliminary Specification ( ) Approval Specification The information described in this specification is preliminary and c.LSC320AN02-T - TFT LCD
Product Specification ( √ ) Preliminary Specification ( ) Approval Specification Any Modification of Spec is not allowed without SDC’s permission CU.1N5408 - 3.0A STANDARD DIODE
® WON-TOP ELECTRONICS Features Diffused Junction Low Forward Voltage Drop High Current Capability High Reliability High Surge Current Capabi.7805CT - 1.0A Positive Voltage Regulator
MC7800, MC7800A, MC7800AE, NCV7800 Voltage Regulators Positive 1.0 A These voltage regulators are monolithic integrated circuits designed as fixed−vo.K10A60W - Silicon N-Channel MOSFET
MOSFETs Silicon N-Channel MOS (DTMOS) TK10A60W 1. Applications • Switching Voltage Regulators 2. Features (1) Low drain-source on-resistance: RDS(ON).TDA2030A - 18W Hi-Fi AMPLIFIER AND 35W DRIVER
TDA2030A 18 W hi-fi amplifier and 35 W driver Features ■ Output power 18 W at VS = ±16 V / 4 Ω with 0.5% distortion ■ High output current ) ■ Very .20N60 - 20A 600V N-channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET
20N60/F20N60/20N60D 20A 600V N-channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET 1 Description These silicon N-channel Enhanced VDMOSFETs are obtained by the sel.K30A - 2SK30A
Silicon Junction FETs XIAOSHENG Symbol: Drain LH03 Series of Products interconvert: www.datasheet4u.com 2SK30A Gate Source Silicon N-Chinnel Jun.BT40T60ANFU - Silicon FS Trench IGBT
Silicon FS Trench IGBT ○R BT40T60 ANFU General Description: VCES 600 V Using HUAJING's proprietary trench design and advanced Field Stop (FS) I.CYT1000A - Linear constant current LED Driver
CYT1000A Linear Constant Current IC CYT1000A SPECIFICATION Specialty Output current is adjustable 5mA-60mA , constant current precision can reach±.CS630A4H - Silicon N-Channel Power MOSFET
Silicon N-Channel Power MOSFET CS630 A4H ○R General Description: CS630 A4H, the silicon N-channel Enhanced VDMOSFETs, is obtained by the self-aligne.K10A60D - N-Channel MOSFET
TK10A60D TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (π-MOSⅦ) TK10A60D Switching Regulator Applications • Low drain-source ON-resistan.FSW25N50A - N-Channel MOSFET
N-Channel MOSFET Applications: • Uninterruptible Power Supply(UPS) • LCD Panel Power • SMPS Power • DC-AC Inverter FSW25N50 • RoHS Compliant • Low O.EG1000AE - linear constant current IC
EG1000AE 5mA-60mA, 1000AE IC,, ±3%; ,,, ; ,,。 EMC ; PCB ; ,; :ESOP-8; GND1 REXT1 NC NC OUT NC NC .KBPC5010 - 50.0A Single-Phase Silicon Bridge Rectifier
SEP ELECTRONIC CORP. KBPC50005 thru KBPC5010 50.0 A Single-Phase Silicon Bridge Rectifier Rectifier Reverse Voltage 50 to 1000V Features 16.2 + 0.5 .LSY320AN02-A - TFT LCD
Customer: Sony DATE: 19.December.2012 SAMSUNG TFT-LCD MODEL: LSY320AN02-A (LCD Panel + Driver Ass’y O/C) The Information described in this specif.AMT630A - Video Display Controller
AMT630A Video Display Controller (Product Specification) Version 1.1 2014.10 2014-09 1 AMT630A Specification (V1.0) Revision Record: Date 2014-09 .