2SC3420 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial T.
C3420 - 2SC3420
2SC3420 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Type (PCT Process) 2SC3420 Strobe Flash Applications Audio Power Amplifier Applications Unit: mm • .2SC3420 - NPN Transistor
JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD TO-126C Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors 2SC3420 TRANSISTOR (NPN) TO – 126C FEATURES z High DC Cu.2SC3420 - Silicon NPN transistor
2SC3420 Rev.E Mar.-2016 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-126F NPN 。Silicon NPN transistor in a TO-126F Plastic Package. / Features ,, 。 High DC .2SC3420 - NPN Transistor
NPN SILICON EPITAXIAL TRANSISTOR POWER MINI MOLD FEATURES z High DC Current Gain: hFE=140~600(VCE=2V,IC=0.5A) Pb Lead-free hFE=70(Min.) (VCE=2V,IC.2SC3420 - Silicon NPN Transistor
2SC3420 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Type (PCT Process) 2SC3420 Strobe Flash Applications Audio Power Amplifier Applications Unit: mm • .GPC3420A - 3-channel Sound Controller
DATA SHEET GPC3XXXAx/Bx/Cx/Dx 3-channel Sound Controller P Aug. 28, 2017 Version 2.3 GENERALPLUS TECHNOLOGY INC. reserves the right to change this do.2SC3420 - NPN Transistor
isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor DESCRIPTION ·High Collector Current-IC= 5.0A ·DC Current Gain- : hFE= 70(Min)@IC= 4A ·Low Saturation Voltage : VCE(s.PI6C3420A - Spread Spectrum Clock Synthesizer
PI6C3420A 27 MHz Spread Spectrum Clock Synthesizer Product Features • Two High Precision outputs: —27.000 MHz ssc clock output —27.000 MHz clock outpu.2SC3420 - SILICON POWER TRANSISTOR
SavantIC Semiconductor www.DataSheet4U.com Product Specification Silicon NPN Power Transistors 2SC3420 DESCRIPTION ·With TO-126 package ·High DC c.