2SD1910 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Silicon Diffused Powe.
D1910 - 2SD1910
2SD1910 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Silicon Diffused Power Transistor Highvoltage,high-speed switching npn transistors in a plastic envelope with integrated.2SD1910 - NPN Transistor
isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor DESCRIPTION ·High Breakdown Voltage- : VCBO= 1500V (Min) ·High Switching Speed ·High Reliability ·Built-in Damper Di.2SD1910 - SILICON POWER TRANSISTOR
SavantIC Semiconductor Product Specification Silicon NPN Power Transistors 2SD1910 www.datasheet4u.com DESCRIPTION ·With TO-3PFM package ·High br.CXD1910AQ - Digital Video Encoder
CXD1910AQ Digital Video Encoder Description The CXD1910AQ is a digital video encoder designed for set top box, digital VCRs and other digital video ap.