ECC83 - 1954 Double Triode
page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ECC83 sheet 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 A B FP date 1954.11.11 1960.05.05 1954.11.11 1960.05.05 1955.02.02 1960.05.05 1955.02.02 19.HT8697 - 9.5W anti-shaving double channel AB/D class audio power amplifier
HT8696, HT8697 9.5WD ・(Anti-Clipping Function, ACF) ・, ・ 2×9.5W (VDD=8.5V, RL=4Ω, THD+N=10%, Class D) 2×6.7W (VDD=7.2V, RL=4Ω, THD+N=10%, Clas.6N2P - Double Triode
6N2P, 6N2PEV (6H2n, 6H2n-EB) http://www.tubes.ru/techinfo/HiFiAudio/6n2p.html "> 6N2P, 6N2PEV (6H2n, 6H2n-EB) General Double triodes, used as an low.NE612 - Double-balanced mixer and oscillator
RF COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS SA612A Double-balanced mixer and oscillator Product specification Replaces data of September 17, 1990 IC17 Data Handbook 1.DR2R7106R - Electric Double Layer Capacitors
DR / DRL series | Features | • Small size but large capacity • Low ESR • Pb Free and RoHS Compliant | Application | • Solar voltaic applications (e.g.EZ80 - Double Anode Rectifying Tube
page 1 2 3 EZ80 sheet 1 2 FP date 1969.12 1969.01 1999.03.19 .12AX7 - Double Triode
"Ei-RC" - Electronic tubes factory ECC83/12AX7 ECC83 is A.F. Double Triode Data Sheet Page 1 of 4 Quick reference data • Anode current Ia=1,2mA • Tr.ECC81 - A. F. DOUBLE TRIODE
ECC81 - 12AT7, 6201 4 ECC81 A. F. DOUBLE TRIODE Base: NOVAL Uf = 6,3 or 12,6 V If = 300 or 150 mA Typical characteristic: Ua = 250 V Ia = 10 mA Ug =.ECC85 - Double Triode
www.datasheet4u.com www.datasheet4u.com www.datasheet4u.com www.datasheet4u.com www.datasheet4u.com www.datasheet4u.com www.datasheet4u.com www.DRL2R3506 - Electric Double Layer Capacitors
DR / DRL series | Features | • Small size but large capacity • Low ESR • Pb Free and RoHS Compliant | Application | • Solar voltaic applications (e.g.ECC82 - Double Triode 1954
page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ECC82 sheet 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 A B FP date 1954.11.11 1959.06.06 1954.11.11 1959.06.06 1955.06.06 1959.06.06 1955.06.06 19.0805 - Double Sided Chip Resistor
RDeosiustbolres-Sided DCohuipbleR-eSsidisetdorCship Resistors Welwyn Components DDSSCCSeSrieersies TTwwoopparaarlalelllerelsriestsainstcaenecleem.EBL1 - Double Diode
page 1 2 3 EBL1 sheet 1 2 FP date 1953.10.10 1953.10.10 1999.06.15 .E80CC - Double Triode
page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E80CC sheet 1 2 3 4 5 A B C FP date 1957.06.06 1957.06.06 1957.06.06 1957.06.06 1957.06.06 1957.06.06 1957.06.06 1957.06.06 1.NE602 - Double-Balanced Mixer and Oscillator
NEjSA602 Double-Balanced Mixer and Oscillator Product Specification DESCRIPTION The SA/NE602 is a low-power VHF monolithic double-balanced mixer with.ECC86 - DOUBLE TRIODE
page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ECC86 sheet 1 1 1 2 2 2 A B C D FP date 1958.03.03 1959.08.08 1962.09.09 1958.03.03 1959.08.08 1962.09.09 1959.08.08 19.BZB984-C4V7 - Voltage regulator double diodes
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET M3D793 BZB984 series Voltage regulator double diodes Product specification Supersedes data of 2001 Nov 28 2002 Ju.ECC88 - 1958 Double Triode
page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ECC88 sheet 1 2 3 A B C FP date 1958.01.01 1958.01.01 1958.01.01 1957.07.07 1957.07.07 1957.07.07 1999.06.15 .