AMT8310 - 2.5 Gb/s 850 nm PIN-TIA
MG2C-8012 - 2.5 Gbps 850 nm PIN-TIA
AMT8210 - 1.25 Gb/s 1310/1550nm PIN-TIA
AD6630 - Differential/ Low Noise IF Gain Block with Output Clamping
ONET8501V - 11.3 Gbps Differential VCSEL Driver w/Output Waveform Shaping (Rev. B)
XPD0250CT-001 - PIN-TIA module
AMT121302T46F - 1.25Gb/s 1310/1550nm PIN-TIA
AMT121302T46L - 1.25Gb/s 1310/1550nm PIN-TIA
PT-9530 - 3.3V / 2.5 Gbps InGaAs PIN-TIA Receiver InGaAs PIN-TIA WITH RECEPTACLE
ONET1151M - 11.35Gbps Differential Modulator Driver with Output Waveform Shaping
AMT8312 - 2.5 Gb/s 850 nm PIN-TIA
AMT121302 - 1.25Gb/s 1310/1550nm PIN-TIA