Military-Fasteners.com NAS1791C3-1 SELF-LOCKING NUTPLATE SPEC Description: Thread Size: 13/64 , Nut Length: 61/64 , Nut Height: 15/64 , floating, tw.MS21071-3 - MS21071 Nutplate Series
42 MS21069 Nutplate Series Specifications MATERIAL: C1050 carbon steel per AMS 5085 (UNS G10500) FINISH: Cadmium plate per QQ-P-416, Type II, Class 2.MS21075 - Nutplate Series
MS21073 Nutplate Series Specifications 43 MATERIAL: Carbon steel per AMS 5085 (UNS G10500) FINISH: Cadmium plate per QQ-P-416, Type II, Class 2 and .MS21061L3 - SELF-LOCKING NUTPLATE
Military-Fasteners.com MS21061L3 SELF-LOCKING NUTPLATE SPEC Description: Thread: 10-32, self locking, one lug floating, low height, cadmium plated, .MS21069-3 - MS21069 Nutplate Series
42 MS21069 Nutplate Series Specifications MATERIAL: C1050 carbon steel per AMS 5085 (UNS G10500) FINISH: Cadmium plate per QQ-P-416, Type II, Class 2.MPC71 - (MPC Series) Metal Plate Cement Resistor
METAL PLATE CEMENT RESISTOR MPC Series FEATURESFEA gCompact type with safety design of Non-flammability and insulation. gLow resistance and resilient .MS21069-06 - MS21069 Nutplate Series
42 MS21069 Nutplate Series Specifications MATERIAL: C1050 carbon steel per AMS 5085 (UNS G10500) FINISH: Cadmium plate per QQ-P-416, Type II, Class 2.NAS1789-3 - SELF-LOCKING NUTPLATE
Military-Fasteners.com NAS1789-3 SELF-LOCKING NUTPLATE SPEC Description: Thread Size: 1/4 , Nut Length: 1/2 , Nut Height: 1/4, two lug, dry film lub.MPC725 - (MPC Series) Metal Plate Cement Resistor
METAL PLATE CEMENT RESISTOR MPC Series FEATURESFEA gCompact type with safety design of Non-flammability and insulation. gLow resistance and resilient .NAS1791C4-1 - SELF-LOCKING NUTPLATE
Military-Fasteners.com NAS1791C4-1 SELF-LOCKING NUTPLATE SPEC Description: Fine thread, floating nut, two holes, NAS1791 series nut NAS1791C4-1 Manu.MPC72 - (MPC Series) Metal Plate Cement Resistor
METAL PLATE CEMENT RESISTOR MPC Series FEATURESFEA gCompact type with safety design of Non-flammability and insulation. gLow resistance and resilient .F6584-09 - WIDE DYNAMIC RANGE MICROCHANNEL PLATES
WIDE DYNAMIC RANGE MICROCHANNEL PLATES F6584 SERIES 20 µA Output Current is Available * The F6584 series is a wide dynamic range MCP that offers more.NAS1791A3-1 - SELF-LOCKING PLATE NUT
Military-Fasteners.com NAS1791A3-1 SELF-LOCKING PLATE NUT SPEC Description: Thread Size: 1/4 , Nut Length: 1 , Nut Height: 1/4 NAS1791A3-1 Manufact.MPC74 - (MPC Series) Metal Plate Cement Resistor
METAL PLATE CEMENT RESISTOR MPC Series FEATURESFEA gCompact type with safety design of Non-flammability and insulation. gLow resistance and resilient .MPC75 - (MPC Series) Metal Plate Cement Resistor
METAL PLATE CEMENT RESISTOR MPC Series FEATURESFEA gCompact type with safety design of Non-flammability and insulation. gLow resistance and resilient .80401-NW - 1-Gang Decora/GFCI Device Decora Wallplate
80401-NW Description 1-Gang Decora/GFCI Device Decora Wallplate, Standard Size, Thermoplastic Nylon, Device Mount, - White Product Features Type: Stan.MS21075-4 - Nutplate Series
MS21073 Nutplate Series Specifications 43 MATERIAL: Carbon steel per AMS 5085 (UNS G10500) FINISH: Cadmium plate per QQ-P-416, Type II, Class 2 and .NAS1791C3-2 - SELF-LOCKING NUTPLATE
Military-Fasteners.com NAS1791C3-2 SELF-LOCKING NUTPLATE SPEC Description: Thread Size: 3/16 , Nut Length: 15/16 , Nut Height: 9/32 , two lug, NAS17.F6584-01 - WIDE DYNAMIC RANGE MICROCHANNEL PLATES
WIDE DYNAMIC RANGE MICROCHANNEL PLATES F6584 SERIES 20 µA Output Current is Available * The F6584 series is a wide dynamic range MCP that offers more.