V23042-B2203-B101 - High Dielectric Polarized PC Board Relay
V23042 series 2 Pole, High Dielectric Polarized PC Board Relay Features • • • • • • • • 5A switching capacity. Meets FCC Part 68 isolation. Temperatur.S2-DC5V - 2a2b/3a1b/4a 4A polarized power relay
S 2a2b/3a1b/4a 4 A polarized power relay S RELAYS 7. Low thermal electromotive force relay High sensitivity (low power consumption) is realized by 4G.4-1462000-5 - 2 pole telecom/signal relay Through Hole Type (THT) Non-polarized. non-latching 1 coil
The Best Relaytion MT2 Relay 108-98006 Rev. C EC-JM00-0009-03 ECOC: JM10 1. Apr. 04 MT2 Relay 2 pole telecom/signal relay Through Hole Type (THT) N.3-1462000-1 - 2 pole telecom/signal relay Through Hole Type (THT) Non-polarized. non-latching 1 coil
The Best Relaytion MT2 Relay 108-98006 Rev. C EC-JM00-0009-03 ECOC: JM10 1. Apr. 04 MT2 Relay 2 pole telecom/signal relay Through Hole Type (THT) N.3-1462000-0 - 2 pole telecom/signal relay Through Hole Type (THT) Non-polarized. non-latching 1 coil
The Best Relaytion MT2 Relay 108-98006 Rev. C EC-JM00-0009-03 ECOC: JM10 1. Apr. 04 MT2 Relay 2 pole telecom/signal relay Through Hole Type (THT) N.3-1462000-7 - 2 pole telecom/signal relay Through Hole Type (THT) Non-polarized. non-latching 1 coil
The Best Relaytion MT2 Relay 108-98006 Rev. C EC-JM00-0009-03 ECOC: JM10 1. Apr. 04 MT2 Relay 2 pole telecom/signal relay Through Hole Type (THT) N.S2-L2-DC12V - 2a2b/3a1b/4a 4A polarized power relay
S 2a2b/3a1b/4a 4 A polarized power relay S RELAYS 7. Low thermal electromotive force relay High sensitivity (low power consumption) is realized by 4G.3-1462000-6 - 2 pole telecom/signal relay Through Hole Type (THT) Non-polarized. non-latching 1 coil
The Best Relaytion MT2 Relay 108-98006 Rev. C EC-JM00-0009-03 ECOC: JM10 1. Apr. 04 MT2 Relay 2 pole telecom/signal relay Through Hole Type (THT) N.4-1462000-1 - 2 pole telecom/signal relay Through Hole Type (THT) Non-polarized. non-latching 1 coil
The Best Relaytion MT2 Relay 108-98006 Rev. C EC-JM00-0009-03 ECOC: JM10 1. Apr. 04 MT2 Relay 2 pole telecom/signal relay Through Hole Type (THT) N.4-1462000-7 - 2 pole telecom/signal relay Through Hole Type (THT) Non-polarized. non-latching 1 coil
The Best Relaytion MT2 Relay 108-98006 Rev. C EC-JM00-0009-03 ECOC: JM10 1. Apr. 04 MT2 Relay 2 pole telecom/signal relay Through Hole Type (THT) N.4-1462000-8 - 2 pole telecom/signal relay Through Hole Type (THT) Non-polarized. non-latching 1 coil
The Best Relaytion MT2 Relay 108-98006 Rev. C EC-JM00-0009-03 ECOC: JM10 1. Apr. 04 MT2 Relay 2 pole telecom/signal relay Through Hole Type (THT) N.7-1462000-0 - 2 pole telecom/signal relay Through Hole Type (THT) Non-polarized. non-latching 1 coil
The Best Relaytion MT2 Relay 108-98006 Rev. C EC-JM00-0009-03 ECOC: JM10 1. Apr. 04 MT2 Relay 2 pole telecom/signal relay Through Hole Type (THT) N.DSP1A-DC12V - small polarized power relays
DSP DSP RELAYS 1a 8A, 1a1b/2a 5A small polarized power relays RoHS compliant FEATURES 1. Compact with high contact rating Even with small 10 mm .394.AGN2004H - ULTRA-SMALL PACKAGE SLIM POLARIZED RELAY
GNTESTING ULTRA-SMALL PACKAGE GN-RELAYSSLIM POLARIZED RELAY 10.60±0.3 .417±.012 5.70±0.3 .224±.012 9.00±0.3 .354±.012 10.60±0.3 .417±.012 5.70±0.3 .7-1462000-2 - 2 pole telecom/signal relay Through Hole Type (THT) Non-polarized. non-latching 1 coil
The Best Relaytion MT2 Relay 108-98006 Rev. C EC-JM00-0009-03 ECOC: JM10 1. Apr. 04 MT2 Relay 2 pole telecom/signal relay Through Hole Type (THT) N.HY1Z-xxV - (HY Relays) Non-polarized 1 form C relay
( DataSheet : www.DataSheet4U.com ) Non-polarized 1 Form C Relay HY-RELAYS 12 .472 7.4 .291 FEATURES • High sensitivity: 150 mW/200 mW • A wide r.S4-DC12V - 2a2b/3a1b/4a 4A polarized power relay
S 2a2b/3a1b/4a 4 A polarized power relay S RELAYS 7. Low thermal electromotive force relay High sensitivity (low power consumption) is realized by 4G.S4-DC24V - 2a2b/3a1b/4a 4A polarized power relay
S 2a2b/3a1b/4a 4 A polarized power relay S RELAYS 7. Low thermal electromotive force relay High sensitivity (low power consumption) is realized by 4G.7-1462000-7 - 2 pole telecom/signal relay Through Hole Type (THT) Non-polarized. non-latching 1 coil
The Best Relaytion MT2 Relay 108-98006 Rev. C EC-JM00-0009-03 ECOC: JM10 1. Apr. 04 MT2 Relay 2 pole telecom/signal relay Through Hole Type (THT) N.TN2-L-H-12V - SLIM POLARIZED RELAY
SLIM POLARIZED RELAY TN-RELAYS • Surge voltage withstand: 1500 V FCC Part 68 • Sealed construction allows automatic cleaning • Self-clinching termina.