XPD720 - USB Type-C PD/PPS Multi Protocol Controller
FINE MADE ELECTRONICS GROUP CO., LTD. XPD720 USB Type-C PD/PPS Multi Protocol Controller 1 Features USB PD3.0 Certified(TID:3479) Support USB T.CX2901A - Identification Protocol
SHENZHEN CHENGXINWEI TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. CX2901A IC CX2901A IC www.cxwic.com 17 V1.2 SHENZHEN CHENGXINWEI TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. CX290.SW3526 - A multi-fast charging protocol solution supporting PD
SW3526 PD PD 1. SW3526 , C A , 3.5A , PPS/PD/QC/AFC/FCP/SCP/PE/SFCP CC/CV 。,。 2. • • • 3. • ➢ 3.5A ➢ 6~35V ➢ CC/CV ➢ • ➢ PPS.SW6236 - AACC Four-Port Multi-Protocol Portable Power Bank SOC
SW6236 AACC SOC AACC SOC 1. SW6236 SOC, A+A+Cinout+Cinout 。 5A ,22.5W ; PPS/PD/SCP/FCP/QC/AFC/PE/BC1.2 ; 、/LED 。 2. • 3. • • ➢ ,、、、 .UPD7201 - MULTI-PROTOCOL SERIAL CONTROLLER
NEe Microcomputers, Inc. NEe fLPD7201 DEseR IPTION F EATU RES PIN CONFIGURATION MULTI-PROTOCOL SERIAL CONTROLLER The "PD7201 is a dual-channel mult.IP5356H - Bi-directional PD3.0 and Fast Charge protocol Power Bank SOC
IP5356H Support SCP、Bi-directional PD3.0 and Fast Charge protocol Power Bank SOC Integrated 14bit ADC and coulometer 1. Features Support multi.MCDP2800 - DisplayPort1.2a to HDMI2.0 Level Shifter/Protocol Converter
MCDP28x0 DisplayPort1.2a to HDMI2.0 Level Shifter/Protocol Converter [LSPCON] Datasheet Rev B MegaChips’ Proprietary Information MegaChips reserves th.XPM5220 - 65W USB PD and other multi-protocol buck
sales.Mr.wang13826508770 www.sztssd.com FINE MADE MICROELECTRONICS GROUP CO., LTD. XPM5220 (:S&CIC2196) 65W USB PD 1 - Quick Charge 2.0/3.N51422 - Multiprotocol ANT/Bluetooth low energy System on Chip
nRF51422 Multiprotocol ANT™/Bluetooth® low energy System on Chip Product Specification v3.1 Key Features Applications • 2.4 GHz transceiver • -90 .STN1170 - Multiprotocol OBD to UART Interpreter
STN1170 Multiprotocol OBD to UART Interpreter Datasheet STN1170 Table of Contents 1.0 Overview .....IP5568 - Bi-directional PD3.0 and Fast Charge protocol Power Bank SOC
IP5568 Support wireless charging TX/RX 、SCP、VOOC、Bi-directional PD3.0 and Fast Charge protocol Power Bank SOC Features Support multiple ports +wi.RT7203BT - High-Integration Fast Charge Protocols Controller
RT7203BT High-Integration Fast Charge Protocols Controller with Internal Feedback Compensation General Description The RT7203BT is a programmable co.DK601 - USB Type-C PD3.0 fast charging protocol smart management chip
DK601 USB Type-C PD3.0 DK601 。, PD TYPEC 。 CC 30V,。 DK601 PDO 18W 5V/3A 、9V/2A、12V/1.5A,。 DK601 ,,,BOM 。 USB Type-C , TypeC 、TypeC PD.A19351 - High-Performance GMR AK Protocol Wheel Speed and Direction Sensor
A19351 High-Performance GMR AK Protocol Wheel Speed and Direction Sensor IC FEATURES AND BENEFITS • GMR elements provide highly repeatable, ultra-low.ADIN2299 - Multiprotocol Two-Port Industrial Ethernet Platform
Data Sheet ADIN2299 Multiprotocol Two-Port Industrial Ethernet Platform: Module and Embedded Design Solutions with Precertified Protocols FEATURES .SCT7033 - AIS Class B Protocol Stack Processor
SCT7033 AIS Class B Protocol Stack Processor - CSTDMA SCT7033 AIS Class B Protocol Stack Processor - CSTDMA D/7033/3 December 2019 DATASHEET Advan.XSP06 - USB PD QC fast charging protocol charging
: 173 2837 8895 USB PD QC XSP06 、 XSP06 USB Power Delivery PD、QC、AFC ,/。 。,、、、、 。 1.1、 USB PD2.0/3.0 QC2.0/3.0 PD、QC、AFC 5V、9V、.nRF52840 - multi-protocol SoC
nRF52840 Product Specification v1.6 4413_417 v1.6 / 2021-11-08 Feature list Features: ® • Bluetooth 5, IEEE 802.15.4-2006, 2.4 GHz transceiver .MT8952B - HDLC Protocol Controller
® ISO-CMOS ST-BUS™ FAMILY MT8952B HDLC Protocol Controller Features • • • • • • • • Formats data as per X.25 (CCITT) level-2 standards Go-Ahead sequ.