SY8286A - 23V Input Synchronous Step Down Regulator
SY8286A High Efficiency Fast Response 6A, 23V Input Synchronous Step Down Regulator General Description The SY8286A develops a high efficiency sync.RT8249C - Dual-Channel Synchronous DC/DC Step-Down Controller
® RT8249A/B/C Dual-Channel Synchronous DC/DC Step-Down Controller with 5V/3.3V LDOs General Description The RT8249A/B/C is a dual-channel step-down,.JW1758B - Offline Step-down LED Controller
JW1758A/B/C Offline Step-down LED Controller With PFC and No Auxiliary Winding Parameters Subject to Change Without Notice DESCRIPTION FEATURES .IT76630M - 23V/3A High Efficiency Synchronous Rectified Step-Down DC/DC Converter
M3TEK IT76630M 23V/3A High Efficiency Synchronous Rectified Step-Down DC/DC Converter DESCRIPTION The IT76630M is a high efficiency synchronous ste.EUP3482 - 340KHz Synchronous Step-Down Converter
EUP3482 2A, 30V, 340KHz Synchronous Step-Down Converter DESCRIPTION The EUP3482 is a synchronous current mode buck regulator capable of driving 2A con.EUP3484 - 340KHz Synchronous Step-Down Converter
EUP3484 3A, 30V, 340KHz Synchronous Step-Down Converter DESCRIPTION The EUP3484 is a synchronous current mode buck regulator capable of driving 3A con.STI3470 - 2.0A Synchronous Step-Down Converter
STI3470 600KHz, 18V,2.0A Synchronous Step-Down Converter FEATURES · High Efficiency: Up to 95% · High Efficiency: Up to 95% · 600KHz Frequency Opera.FR9889 - 340KHz Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converter
FR9889 23V, 3A, 340KHz Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converter FEATURES High Efficiency up to 95% Low Rds(on) Integrated Power MOSFET Internal Compensa.TCS4525 - 3MHz Synchronous Step-Down DC-DC Converter
TCS4525 5A, 3MHz Synchronous Step-Down DC-DC with I2C Compatible Interface DESCRIPTION The TCS4525 is a high-frequency, high-current synchronous step.BP2366DSG - Non-isolated step-down active PFC LED driver
BP2366DSG PFC LED BP2366DSG PFC LED , 。 BP2366DSG , EMI。 BP2366DSG VCC,COMP RCS 。, , 。 BP2366DSG , LED ,,BP2366DSG ,, 。 ◼ , PF , THD ◼ .M2303ADN - Synchronous Rectified Step-Down Converter
MP2303A 3A, 28V, 360kHz Synchronous Rectified Step-Down Converter The Future of Analog IC Technology R DESCRIPTION The MP2303A is a monolithic synch.IP6536 - 2.4A/3.1A OUTPUT STEP-DOWN CONVERTER
IP6536 2.4A/3.1A OUTPUT STEP-DOWN CONVERTER with DCP PROTOCOLS 1 Features 3 Introduction Synchronous step-down converter Built-in Power MOSFETs.LSP5502 - 2A Synchronous Step Down DC/DC Converter
LSP5502 2A Synchronous Step Down DC/DC Converter FEATURES 2A Output Current Wide 4.5V to 27V Operating Input Range Integrated 120mΩ Power MOSFET Switc.ZTP7193SI - Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converter
ZTP7193SI 3A, 18V, 500KHz, Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converter FEATURES ● 4.75V to 18V input voltage ● Output adjustable from 0.923V to 15V ● Outpu.EUP3484A - 340KHz Synchronous Step-Down Converter
EUP3484A 3A, 30V, 340KHz Synchronous Step-Down Converter DESCRIPTION The EUP3484A is a synchronous current mode buck regulator capable of driving 3A .SY8113B - Synchronous Step Down Regulator
Application Note: SY8113B High Efficiency, 500kHz, 3A, 18V Input Synchronous Step Down Regulator General Description The SY8113B is a high efficienc.