HIGH SPEED-10 MBit/s LOGIC GATE OPTOCOUPLERS SINGLE-CHANNEL 6N137 HCPL-2601 HCPL-2611 DESCRIPTION The 6N137, HCPL-2601/2611 single-channel and HCPL-26.75N75 - TO-263 N-Channel MOSFET Transistor
isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor 75N75 FEATURES ·Drain Current –ID= 75A@ TC=25℃ ·Drain Source Voltage- : VDSS= 75V(Min) ·Static Drain-Source On-Resis.SY8263 - Synchronous Step Down Regulator
SY8263 High Efficiency Fast Response, 3A, 30V Input Synchronous Step Down Regulator General Description The SY8263 develops a high efficiency synchro.2SC3263 - SILICON POWER TRANSISTOR
SavantIC Semiconductor www.DataSheet4U.com Product Specification Silicon NPN Power Transistors 2SC3263 DESCRIPTION ·With TO-3PN package ·Complemen.C2630 - 2SC2630
www.DataSheet4U.com www.DataSheet4U.com www.DataSheet4U.com .1CY1032Z - TO-263 Surface Mount Type Chopper Regulator
PQ1CY1032Z PQ1CY1032Z TO-263 Surface Mount Type Chopper Regulator s Features 1. Maximum switching current:3.5A 2. Built-in ON/OFF control function 3.HCPL-2630 - High Speed TTL Compatible Optocouplers
H High CMR, High Speed TTL Compatible Optocouplers Technical Data 6N137 HCNW137 HCNW2601 HCNW2611 HCPL-0600 HCPL-0601 HCPL-0611 HCPL-0630 HCPL-0631.C2634 - 2SC2634
Transistors 2SC2634 Silicon NPN epitaxial planar type For low-frequency and low-noise amplification Complementary to 2SA1127 5.0±0.2 Unit: mm 4.0±0.2SC3263 - Silicon NPN Transistor
VCEO = 230 V, IC = 15 A Silicon NPN Epitaxial Planar Transistor 2SC3263 Data Sheet Description The 2SC3263 is an NPN transistor of 230 V, 15 A. The .C2631 - Silicon NPN Transistor
Transistors 2SC2631 Silicon NPN epitaxial planar type For low-frequency high breakdown voltage amplification Complementary to 2SA1123 5.0±0.2 Unit:.2SA1263 - Silicon PNP Power Transistor
isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor 2SA1263 DESCRIPTION ·Low Collector Saturation Voltage- : VCE(sat)= -2.0V(Min) @IC= -5A ·Good Linearity of hFE ·Comp.TA8263BH - Max Power 43W BTL x 4-ch Audio Power-IC
TA8263BH TOSHIBA Bipolar Linear Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic TA8263BH Max Power 43 W BTL × 4 ch Audio Power IC The TA8263BH is 4 ch BTL audi.ECG263 - (ECG2xx) Darlington Power Transistors
www.DataSheet4U.com www.DataSheet4U.com .2SC2632 - Silicon NPN Transistor
Transistors 2SC2632 Silicon NPN epitaxial planar type For low-frequency high breakdown voltage amplification Complementary to 2SA1124 5.9±0.2 Unit:.2SD1263A - Silicon NPN Transistor
Power Transistors 2SD1263, 2SD1263A Silicon NPN triple diffusion planar type For power amplification Unit: mm s q q Features High collector to base.PQ1CY1032Z - TO-263 Surface Mount Type Chopper Regulator
PQ1CY1032Z PQ1CY1032Z TO-263 Surface Mount Type Chopper Regulator s Features 1. Maximum switching current:3.5A 2. Built-in ON/OFF control function 3.HCPL2630 - Dual-Channel High Speed 10MBit/s Logic Gate Optocouplers
Single-Channel: 6N137, HCPL2601, HCPL2611 Dual-Channel: HCPL2630, HCPL2631 — High Speed 10MBit/s Logic Gate Optocouplers January 2011 Single-Channel.D2638 - 2SD2638
TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Mesa Type 2SD2638 Horizontal Deflection Output for Color TV, Digital TV. High Speed Switching Applicati.