W152 - Spread Aware/ Eight Output Zero Delay Buffer
W152 Spread Aware™, Eight Output Zero Delay Buffer Features • Spread Aware™—designed to work with SSFTG reference signals • Two banks of four outputs.54240 - Eight three-state inverting buffer / line driver / line receiver
54/74240 //(3S,) : 240 , 54/74S240 54/74LS240 ,( ): 54S240/74S240 54LS240/74LS240 : 1A,2A /1G,/2G 1Y~8Y : tPLH 4.5ns 9ns tphl 4.5ns 12ns PD 450mW 10.ICS9DB108 - Eight Output Differential Buffer
Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc. ICS9DB108 (Not recommended for new designs) Eight Output Differential Buffer for PCI-Express Recommended Applicati.54LS240 - LSTTL eight-Buffer / Bus Driver
54LS240/74LS240 LSTTL /(、) : • ; • PNP ; • 。 tpd=10ns Pd=130mW L L H A L H × Y H L Z Z= H= L= ×= : 、 。, ,,(400mV) 。 133Ω。 www.BDTIC.c.74240 - Eight three-state inverting buffer / line driver / line receiver
54/74240 //(3S,) : 240 , 54/74S240 54/74LS240 ,( ): 54S240/74S240 54LS240/74LS240 : 1A,2A /1G,/2G 1Y~8Y : tPLH 4.5ns 9ns tphl 4.5ns 12ns PD 450mW 10.9DB833 - EIGHT OUTPUT DIFFERENTIAL BUFFER
DATASHEET EIGHT OUTPUT DIFFERENTIAL BUFFER FOR PCIE GEN1–3 9DB833 Description The 9DB833 zero-delay buffer supports PCIe Gen3 requirements, while b.9DB833 - EIGHT OUTPUT DIFFERENTIAL BUFFER
DATASHEET EIGHT OUTPUT DIFFERENTIAL BUFFER FOR PCIE GEN1,2,3 9DB833 General Description The 9DB833 zero-delay buffer supports PCIe Gen3 requirement.ICS9DB108 - Eight Output Differential Buffer
www.DataSheet4U.com Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc. ICS9DB108 Eight Output Differential Buffer for PCI-Express Recommended Application: DB800 Inte.74LS240 - LSTTL eight-Buffer / Bus Driver
54LS240/74LS240 LSTTL /(、) : • ; • PNP ; • 。 tpd=10ns Pd=130mW L L H A L H × Y H L Z Z= H= L= ×= : 、 。, ,,(400mV) 。 133Ω。 www.BDTIC.c.ICS9DB803D - EIGHT OUTPUT DIFFERENTIAL BUFFER
EIGHT OUTPUT DIFFERENTIAL BUFFER FOR PCIE GEN1 AND GEN2 DATASHEET ICS9DB803D General Description The ICS9DB803D is compatible with the Intel DB800v2.