
QTLP670C-IB Datasheet, Fairchild Semiconductor

QTLP670C-IB lamp equivalent, surface mount led lamp.

QTLP670C-IB Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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QTLP670C-IB Datasheet

Features and benefits

* AllnGaP technology for -T, -S, -R, -E, -O, -Y and -AG
* InGaN/SiC technology for -IG, -IB and -IW
* Wide viewing angle of 120°  2001 Fairchild Semiconducto.


NOTE: Dimensions for all drawings are in inches (mm).
* Automotive interior lighting
* Status indication for con.


These surface mount LEDs are designed with flat top and sides for the ease of pick-and-place by automatic placement equipment. They are compatible with convective IR and vapor phase reflow soldering. The package size and configuration conform to EIA-.

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