gaas mmic passive frequency doubler.
gaas mmic passive frequency doubler.
Conversion Loss: 15 dB Fo, 3Fo, 4Fo Isolation: 38 dB Input Drive Level: 10 to 20 dBm
Typical Applications
The HMC156 is suitable for:
* Wireless Local Loop
* LMD.
The HMC156 is suitable for:
* Wireless Local Loop
* LMDS, VSAT, and Pt to Pt Radios
* UNII & HiperLAN
* .
The HMC156 is a miniature frequency doubler in a MMIC die. Suppression of undesired fundamental and higher order harmonics is 38 dB typical with respect to input signal levels. The doubler uses the same diode/balun technology used in Hittite MMIC mix.
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