8-pin/ 8-bit cmos microcontrollers.
* 8-bit real time clock/counter (TMR0) with 8-bit programmable prescaler
* Power-On Reset (POR)
* Device Reset Timer (DRT)
* Watchdog Timer (WDT) with it.
The PIC12C5XX from Microchip Technology is a family of low-cost, high performance, 8-bit, fully static, EEPROM/EPROM/ROM.
.. 4 PIC12C5XX Device Varieties ........ 7 Architectural Overview......... 9 Memory Organization ........ 13 I/O Port 21 Timer0 Module and TMR0 Register ...... 25 EEPROM Peripheral Operation... 29 Special Features of the CPU ....... 35 Instruction S.
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