
RD15HVF1 Datasheet, Mitsubishi Electric Semiconductor

RD15HVF1 transistor equivalent, silicon mosfet power transistor.

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RD15HVF1 Datasheet

Features and benefits

High power and High Gain: Pout>15 W, Gp>14 dB @Vds=12.5 V,f=175 MHz High Efficiency: 60 % (typ) on VHF Band Integrated gate protection diode APPLICATION For output stage .


RD15HVF1 is a MOS FET type transistor specifically designed for VHF/UHF High power amplifiers applica -tions. OUTLINE DRAWING 9.1+/-0.7 3.6+/-0.2 2 1.3+/-0.4 12.3+/-0.6 3.2+/-0.4 4.8MAX 9+/-0.4 FEATURES High power and High Gain: Pout>15 W, Gp>14.

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