V54C3256 4 equivalent, 256mbit sdram 3.3 volt/ tsop ii / soc bga / wbga package 16m x 16/ 32m x 8/ 64m x 4.
* 4 banks x 4Mbit x 16 organization 4 banks x 8Mbit x 8 organization 4 banks x16Mbit x 4 organization High.
The V54C3256(16/80/40)4V(T/S/B) is a four bank Synchronous DRAM organized as 4 banks x 4Mbit x 16, 4 banks x 8Mbit x 8, or 4 banks x 16Mbit x 4. The V54C3256(16/80/40)4V(T/S/B) achieves high speed data transfer rates up to 166 MHz by employing a chip.
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