npn silicon rf transistor.
* Built-in low voltage operation, low phase distortion transistor suited for OSC applications fT = 4.5 GHz TYP., S21e2 = 4.0 dB TYP. @ VCE = 1 V, IC = 5 mA, f = 2 G.
fT = 4.5 GHz TYP., S21e2 = 4.0 dB TYP. @ VCE = 1 V, IC = 5 mA, f = 2 GHz
* Built-in 2 transistors (2 × 2SC5800)
of circuits, software and other related information in this document are provided for illustrative purposes in semiconductor product operation and application examples. The incorporation of these circuits, software and information in the design of c.
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