* Up to 56 fully programmable 1/0 pins
* Up to 8 external plus 1 non-maskable interrupts
* 16 bit Timer with 8 bit Prescaler, able to be used as a Watchdog.
Pin Name 1 AVss 2 AVss 3 NC 4 P44/AIN4 5 P57 6 P56 7 P55 8 P54 9 INT? 10 INTO 11 P53 12 NC 13 P52 14 P51 15 P50 16 OSCOUT 17 Vss 18 Vss 19 NC 20 OSCIN 21 RESET 22 P37/T10UTB 23 P36/T11NB 24 P35/T10UTA
Pin Name 25 P34/T11NA 26 P33/TOOUTB 27 P32/TOIN.
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