TC59LM913AMB fcram equivalent, (tc59lm905amb / tc59lm913amb) network fcram.
PARAMETER tCK tRC tRAC Clock Cycle Time (min) CL = 3 CL = 4 -50 5.5 ns 5.0 ns 25.0 ns 22.0 ns TBD TBD TBD TC59LM913/05 -55 6.0 ns 5.5 ns 27.5 ns 24.0 ns TBD TBD TBD -60 6.
where large memory density and low power consumption are required. The Output Driver for Network FCRAMTM is capable of h.
Network FCRAMTM is Double Data Rate Fast Cycle Random Access Memory. TC59LM913/05AMB is Network FCRAMTM containing 536,870,912 memory cells. TC59LM913AMB is organized as 8,388,608-words × 4 banks × 16 bits, TC59LM905AMB is organized as 16,777,216-wor.
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