AD1848K - Parallel-Port 16-Bit SoundPort Stereo Codec
a Parallel-Port 16-Bit SoundPort Stereo Codec AD1848K FEATURES Single-Chip Integrated ∑∆ Digital Audio Stereo Codec Supports the Microsoft Windows .CY7C1648KV18 - 144-Mbit DDR II+ SRAM Two-Word Burst Architecture
CY7C1648KV18 CY7C1650KV18 144-Mbit DDR II+ SRAM Two-Word Burst Architecture (2.0 Cycle Read Latency) 144-Mbit DDR II+ SRAM Two-Word Burst Architectur.IS29LV032T - 32 Megabit (4096K x 8-bit / 2048K x 16-bit) Flash Memory Boot Sector Flash Memory
IS29LV032T/B IS29LV032T/B 32 Megabit (4096K x 8-bit / 2048K x 16-bit) Flash Memory Boot Sector Flash Memory, CMOS 3.0 Volt-only FEATURES • Single pow.IS29LV032B - 32 Megabit (4096K x 8-bit / 2048K x 16-bit) Flash Memory Boot Sector Flash Memory
IS29LV032T/B IS29LV032T/B 32 Megabit (4096K x 8-bit / 2048K x 16-bit) Flash Memory Boot Sector Flash Memory, CMOS 3.0 Volt-only FEATURES • Single pow.EN29LV160B - 16 Megabit (2048K x 8-bit / 1024K x 16-bit) Flash Memory Boot Sector Flash Memory
EN29LV160B Purpose Eon Silicon Solution Inc. (hereinafter called “Eon”) is going to provide its products’ top marking on ICs with < cFeon > from Janua.EN29LV160C - 16 Megabit (2048K x 8-bit / 1024K x 16-bit) Flash Memory
EN29LV160C EN29LV160C 16 Megabit (2048K x 8-bit / 1024K x 16-bit) Flash Memory Boot Sector Flash Memory, CMOS 3.0 Volt-only FEATURES • 3.0V, single p.AK4116 - Low Power 48kHz Digital Audio Receiver
ASAHI KASEI [AK4116] AK4116 Low Power 48kHz Digital Audio Receiver GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4116 is a low power S/PDIF AES/EBU receiver supporting .ST9291 - 16-48K ROM HCMOS MCU WITH ON SCREEN DISPLAY AND VOLTAGE TUNINGOUTPUT
® ST9291 16-48K ROM HCMOS MCU WITH ON SCREEN DISPLAY AND VOLTAGE TUNING OUTPUT FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Register oriented 8/16 bit CORE with RUN, WFI.EN29LV320C - 32 Megabit (4096K x 8-bit / 2048K x 16-bit) Flash Memory
EN29LV320C EN29LV320C 32 Megabit (4096K x 8-bit / 2048K x 16-bit) Flash Memory Boot Sector Flash Memory, CMOS 3.0 Volt-only FEATURES • Single power s.CY62168DV30 - 16-Mbit (2048K x 8) Static RAM
www.DataSheet4U.com CY62168DV30 MoBL 16-Mbit (2048K x 8) Static RAM Features • Very high speed: 55 ns and 70 ns — Wide voltage range: 2.20V – 3.60V.V048K160M015 - (V048x160x015) Voltage Transformation Module
www.DataSheet4U.com PRELIMINARY VTM V•I Chip – VTM Voltage Transformation Module TM V048K160T015 K indicates BGA configuration. For other mounting .V048K160T015 - (V048x160x015) Voltage Transformation Module
www.DataSheet4U.com PRELIMINARY VTM V•I Chip – VTM Voltage Transformation Module TM V048K160T015 K indicates BGA configuration. For other mounting .EN29LV160 - 16 Megabit (2048K x 8-bit / 1024K x 16-bit) Flash Memory Boot Sector Flash Memory
www.DataSheet4U.com EN29LV160 EN29LV160 ******PRELIMINARY DRAFT****** 16 Megabit (2048K x 8-bit / 1024K x 16-bit) Flash Memory Boot Sector Flash Mem.EN29LV160A - 16 Megabit (2048K x 8-bit / 1024K x 16-bit) Flash Memory Boot Sector Flash Memory
EN29LV160A EN29LV160A www.DataSheet4U.com 16 Megabit (2048K x 8-bit / 1024K x 16-bit) Flash Memory Boot Sector Flash Memory, CMOS 3.0 Volt-only FEA.EN29LV160J - 16 Megabit (2048K x 8-bit / 1024K x 16-bit) Flash Memory Boot Sector Flash Memory
EN29LV160J EN29LV160J ******PRELIMINARY DRAFT****** www.DataSheet4U.com 16 Megabit (2048K x 8-bit / 1024K x 16-bit) Flash Memory Boot Sector Flash M.EN29LV320A - 32 Megabit (4096K x 8-bit / 2048K x 16-bit) Flash Memory Boot Sector Flash Memory
www.DataSheet4U.com EN29LV320A EN29LV320A 32 Megabit (4096K x 8-bit / 2048K x 16-bit) Flash Memory Boot Sector Flash Memory, CMOS 3.0 Volt-only FEAT.EN29SL160 - 16 Megabit (2048K x 8-bit / 1024K x 16-bit) Flash Memory
www.DataSheet4U.com EN29SL160 EN29SL160 16 Megabit (2048K x 8-bit / 1024K x 16-bit) Flash Memory Boot Sector Flash Memory, CMOS 1.8 Volt-only FEATUR.EN29LV320B - 32 Megabit (4096K x 8-bit / 2048K x 16-bit) Flash Memory Boot Sector Flash Memory
EN29LV320B EN29LV320B 32 Megabit (4096K x 8-bit / 2048K x 16-bit) Flash Memory Boot Sector Flash Memory, CMOS 3.0 Volt-only FEATURES • Single power su.AS7C316096C - 2048K x 8 BIT HIGH SPEED CMOS SRAM
Rev. 1.0 REVISION HISTORY Revision Rev. 1.0 Description Initial Issue AS7C316096C 2048K X 8 BIT HIGH SPEED CMOS SRAM Issue Date June.2014 Confide.