LN2556 - 2-function average current type LED constant current driver
LED LN2556 ■ LN2556 , VFPWM , 8-100V LED 。 LN2556 160K, PWM ,, 。LN2556 MODE 。MODE ,MODE 1/2 。 ■ LED RGB LED ■ LN2556 ①②.IP5406T - 2A charging 2.4A discharging integrated DCP function power bank SOC
EC HIGHLAND (SHENZHEN) ELECTRONICS CO., LTD TX2/RX2 REMOTE CONTROLLER WITH FIVE FUNCTIONS General Description The TX2/RX2 are a pair of CMOS LSIs d.XA9901 - 10W Anti-Breaking Function Single Channel Class F Audio Power Amplifier
.34063 - monolithic control circuit containing the primary functions required
34063 Description The MC34063A Series is a monolithic control circuit containing the primary functions required for DC-to-DC converters. These devices.ATT7022E - Multi-function high-precision three-phase power metering chip
ATT7022E/26E/28E (P73-13-45) ATT7022E/ 26E/28E () Tel: 021-51035886 Fax: 021-50277833 Email: sales@hitrendtech.com Web: http://www.hitrendtech.com .SDRX2BD - 5 FUNCTIONS REMOTE CONTROLLER
:0755-61169046 QQ635222749 SCTX2B/SDRX2BD (NO:S&CIC0515) FIVE FUNCTIONS REMOTE CONTROLLER Features Wide operating SCTX2B voltage range: 2.4.SM6135W - 5-function remote control car regulator chip
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.GPD2856 - MP3 player with FM radio function and Line In function and design of the chip
GPD2856 , preliminary GPD2856 User’s Manual Preliminary Version 0.2 2013 09 23 Room17A, BuildingA,Huaqiang Plaza,Huaqiang North Road,Futian Distr.STK442-090 - Function class AB 2 channels AF power amplifier
SPECIFICATIONS No. STK442-090 1. Case Outline 14Pins (See attached outline drawing) 2. Function class AB 2 channels AF power amplifier 3. Application.RTD2556-CG - MULTI-FUNCTION DISPLAY CONTROLLER
RTD2556-CG MULTI-FUNCTION DISPLAY CONTROLLER DATASHEET (CONFIDENTIAL: Development Partners Only) Rev. 0.01 26 February 2016 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rea.GT1151 - Capacitive touch-chip functions
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...the analog plus companyTM XR-2206 Monolithic Function Generator FEATURES D Low-Sine Wave Distortion, 0.5%, Typical D Excellent Temperature Stabil.TRA1309CP - Functional Speaker Driver
Functional Speaker Driver TRA1309CP 1. General Descriptions TRA1309CP is a speaker amplifier that can accept PWM signal and doesn’t need any external.TRA1309AP - Functional Speaker Driver
Functional Speaker Driver TRA1309AP 1. General Descriptions TRA1309AP is a speaker amplifier that can accept PWM signal and doesn’t need any external.RX2C - 5-Function Remote Controller
Actions Semiconductor Co., Ltd. 5-Function Remote Controller TX2C ATS302T/RX2C ATS302R Actions Semiconductor Co., Ltd. TX2C ATS302T/RX2C ATS302R D.TC9152P - Analog Function Switch
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