INCHANGE Semiconductor isc N-Channel MOSFET Transi.
DFP70N06 - N-Channel MOSFET DFP70N06 N-Channel MOSFET Features Low RDS(on) (0.014 )@VGS=10V Low Gate Charge (Typical 70nC) Low Crss (Typical 160pF) Improved .WFP70N06 - Silicon N-Channel MOSFET
Features ■ 70A,60V, RDS(on)(Max0.014Ω)@VGS=10V ■ Ultra-low Gate charge(Typical 70nC) ■ Low Crss (Typical 160pF) ■ Improved dv/dt capability ■ 100%Aval.RFG70N06 - N-Channel MOSFET
SEMICONDUCTOR RFG70N06, RFP70N06, RF1S70N06, RF1S70N06SM December 1995 70A, 60V, Avalanche Rated, N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power MOSFETs Feature.RFP70N06 - N-Channel MOSFET
isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor INCHANGE Semiconductor RFP70N06 DESCRIPTION ·Drain Current ID=70A@ TC=25℃ ·Drain Source Voltage- : VDSS=60V(Min) ·St.70N06 - RFP70N06
Data Sheet September 2013 RFP70N06 N-Channel Power MOSFET 60V, 70A, 14 mΩ These are N-Channel power MOSFETs manufactured using the MegaFET process..SMW70N06-14 - N-Channel MOSFET
TEMIC Siliconix SMW70N06·14 N-Channel Enhancement-Mode lransistor Product Summary V(BR)DSS (V) 60 rnS(on) (Q) 0.014 TO-247AD )0 I In (A) 70 l.HS70N06PA - N-CHANNEL MOSFET
0 Amps, 60 Volts N-CHANNEL MOSFET HS70N06PA 1.Description The HS70N06 is three-terminal silicon device with current conduction capability of about .RFP70N06 - N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power MOSFETs
SEMICONDUCTOR RFG70N06, RFP70N06, RF1S70N06, RF1S70N06SM December 1995 70A, 60V, Avalanche Rated, N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power MOSFETs Feature.HFP70N06 - N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
Shantou Huashan Electronic Devices Co.,Ltd. HFP70N06 N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor █ Applications • Servo motor control. • Pow.HRS70N06K - N-Channel MOSFET
HRS70N06K HRS70N06K 60V N-Channel Trench MOSFET FEATURES Originative New Design Superior Avalanche Rugged Technology Excellent Switching Charac.HRP70N06K - N-Channel MOSFET
HRP70N06K HRP70N06K 60V N-Channel Trench MOSFET FEATURES Originative New Design Superior Avalanche Rugged Technology Excellent Switching Charac.BR70N06 - N-CHANNEL MOSFET
BR70N06 Rev.D Nov.-2015 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-220 N MOS 。N-CHANNEL MOSFET in a TO-220 Plastic Package. / Features RDS(on),,Crss ,。 Low .70N06 - TO-3 N-Channel MOSFET Transistor
INCHANGE Semiconductor isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor isc Product Specification 70N06 ·DESCRIPTION ·Drain Current ID= 70A@ TC=25℃ ·Drain Source Vol.RFP70N06 - N-Channel Power MOSFET
Data Sheet September 2013 RFP70N06 N-Channel Power MOSFET 60V, 70A, 14 mΩ These are N-Channel power MOSFETs manufactured using the MegaFET process..RFP70N06 - N-Channel MOSFET
RFG70N06, RFP70N06, RF1S70N06SM Data Sheet July 1999 File Number 3206.5 70A, 60V, 0.014 Ohm, N-Channel Power MOSFETs These are N-Channel power MOSFET.P70N06-14 - N-Channel MOSFET
SUP/SUB70N06-14 Vishay Siliconix N-Channel 60-V (D-S), 175_C MOSFET PRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS (V) 60 rDS(on) (W) 0.014 ID (A) 70a TO-220AB D TO-2.RF1S70N06 - N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power MOSFETs
SEMICONDUCTOR RFG70N06, RFP70N06, RF1S70N06, RF1S70N06SM December 1995 70A, 60V, Avalanche Rated, N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power MOSFETs Feature.RF1S70N06SM - N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power MOSFETs
SEMICONDUCTOR RFG70N06, RFP70N06, RF1S70N06, RF1S70N06SM December 1995 70A, 60V, Avalanche Rated, N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power MOSFETs Feature.TSM170N06 - N-Channel Power MOSFET
TSM170N06 Taiwan Semiconductor N-Channel Power MOSFET 60V, 42A, 17mΩ FEATURES ● 100% avalanche tested ● Suitable for 5V drive applications ● Pb-free.KF70N06P - N-CHANNEL MOS FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR
SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA KF70N06P/F N CHANNEL MOS FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR General Description It’s mainly suitable for low viltage applications .