
Analog-switching datasheet

Analog-switching datasheet


Analog Devices

ADP3050 - 1A High Voltage Step-Down Switching Regulator

a FEATURES Wide Input Voltage Range: 3.6 V to 30 V Adjustable and Fixed (3.3 V, 5 V) Output Options Integrated 1 A Power Switch Uses Small Surface-Mou.
1.0 · rating-1

ECN3297TF - 16-ch High Voltage Analog Switching IC

16-ch High Voltage Analog Switching IC ECN3297TF P. 1/17 ECN3297 is 16-channel High Voltage analog switching IC .
1.0 · rating-1

G3VM-61E1 - Analog-switching MOS FET Relay

MOS FET Relays G3VM-61B1/E1 Analog-switching MOS FET Relay for High Switching Currents, with Dielectric Strength of 2.5 kVAC between I/O. • Upgraded .
1.0 · rating-1
Analog Devices

MAX20830 - 2.7V to 16V Integrated Step-Down Switching Regulator

30A, 2MHz, 2.7V to 16V Integrated Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus MAX20830 General Description The MAX20830/MAX20830T are fully integrated,.
1.0 · rating-1
Analog Devices

ADuM4472 - Isolated Switching Regulator

Isolated Switching Regulator with Quad-Channel Isolators Data Sheet ADuM4470/ADuM4471/ADuM4472/ADuM4473/ADuM4474 FEATURES Isolated PWM feedback with .
1.0 · rating-1
Analog Devices

ADuM4473 - Isolated Switching Regulator

Isolated Switching Regulator with Quad-Channel Isolators Data Sheet ADuM4470/ADuM4471/ADuM4472/ADuM4473/ADuM4474 FEATURES Isolated PWM feedback with .
1.0 · rating-1
Analog Devices

ADP1148 - Step-Down Switching Regulators

a High Efficiency Synchronous Step-Down Switching Regulators ADP1148, ADP1148-3.3, ADP1148-5 FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM Operation From 3.5.
1.0 · rating-1
Analog Devices

ADP3000 - Adjustable High Frequency Switching Regulator

Micropower Step-Up/Step-Down Fixed 3.3 V, 5 V, 12 V, Adjustable High Frequency Switching Regulator ADP3000 00122-001 OBSOLETE FEATURES Operates at .
1.0 · rating-1
Analog Devices

AD8182 - 3.8mA 10ns Switching Multiplexers

a FEATURES Fully Buffered Inputs and Outputs Fast Channel Switching: 10 ns High Speed > 750 MHz Bandwidth (–3 dB) 750 V/␮s Slew Rate Fast Settling Tim.
1.0 · rating-1
Analog Devices

ADP5071 - DC-to-DC Switching Regulator

Data Sheet 2 A/1.2 A DC-to-DC Switching Regulator with Independent Positive and Negative Outputs ADP5071 FEATURES Wide input supply voltage range: .
1.0 · rating-1
Toshiba Semiconductor

SSM3K16TE - High Speed Switching Applications Analog Switch Applications

SSM3K16TE TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type SSM3K16TE High Speed Switching Applications Analog Switch Applications · · Suita.
1.0 · rating-1
Analog Devices

AD1990 - Audio Switching Amplifier

Audio Switching Amplifier AD1990 FEATURES Integrated stereo modulator and power stage <0.002% THD + N 101 dB dynamic range (A-weighted) 2 × 5 W output.
1.0 · rating-1

G3VM-353D1 - Analog-switching MOS FET Relays

MOS FET Relays G3VM-353A/A1/D/D1 Analog-switching MOS FET Relays with SPST-NC Contact. General-purpose Models Added. • Switches AC and DC minute anal.
1.0 · rating-1

G3VM-353A1 - Analog-switching MOS FET Relays

MOS FET Relays G3VM-353A/A1/D/D1 Analog-switching MOS FET Relays with SPST-NC Contact. General-purpose Models Added. • Switches AC and DC minute anal.
1.0 · rating-1
Analog Devices

ADuM4470 - Isolated Switching Regulator

Isolated Switching Regulator with Quad-Channel Isolators Data Sheet ADuM4470/ADuM4471/ADuM4472/ADuM4473/ADuM4474 FEATURES Isolated PWM feedback with .
1.0 · rating-1
Analog Devices

ADuM4474 - Isolated Switching Regulator

Isolated Switching Regulator with Quad-Channel Isolators Data Sheet ADuM4470/ADuM4471/ADuM4472/ADuM4473/ADuM4474 FEATURES Isolated PWM feedback with .
1.0 · rating-1
Analog Devices

AD8180 - 3.8mA 10ns Switching Multiplexers

a FEATURES Fully Buffered Inputs and Outputs Fast Channel Switching: 10 ns High Speed > 750 MHz Bandwidth (–3 dB) 750 V/␮s Slew Rate Fast Settling Tim.
1.0 · rating-1
Analog Devices

ADP5070 - DC-to-DC Switching Regulator

Data Sheet 1 A/0.6 A, DC-to-DC Switching Regulator with Independent Positive and Negative Outputs ADP5070 FEATURES Wide input supply voltage range:.
1.0 · rating-1
Analog Devices

ADG774A - Low Voltage 400 MHz Quad 2:1 Mux with 3 ns Switching Time

a FEATURES Bandwidth >400 MHz Low Insertion Loss and On Resistance: 2.2 ⍀ Typical On-Resistance Flatness 0.3 ⍀ Typical Single 3 V/5 V Supply Operation.
1.0 · rating-1
Analog Devices

ADP1614 - DC-to-DC Switching Converter

Data Sheet 650 kHz/1.3 MHz, 4 A, Step-Up, PWM, DC-to-DC Switching Converter ADP1614 FEATURES Adjustable and fixed current-limit options Adjustable u.
1.0 · rating-1
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