ST95P08 - 8 Kbit Serial SPI EEPROM with Positive Clock Strobe
ST95P08 8 Kbit Serial SPI EEPROM with Positive Clock Strobe 1 MILLION ERASE/WRITE CYCLES 40 YEARS DATA RETENTION SINGLE 3V to 5.5V SUPPLY VOLTAGE SPI .M95040 - 4Kbit / 2Kbit and 1Kbit Serial SPI Bus EEPROM With High Speed Clock
M95040 M95020, M95010 4Kbit, 2Kbit and 1Kbit Serial SPI Bus EEPROM With High Speed Clock FEATURES SUMMARY s Compatible with SPI Bus Serial Interface (.ST95040 - (ST950x0) 4K/2K/1K Serial SPI EEPROM with Positive Clock Strobe
ST95040 ST95020, ST95010 4K/2K/1K Serial SPI EEPROM with Positive Clock Strobe 1 MILLION ERASE/WRITE CYCLES 40 YEARS DATA RETENTION SINGLE SUPPLY VOLT.3817DPC - (3817A / 3817D) Digital Clock Radioa / Alarm Clock
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WING ¹ãÖÝÊа¬ìûµç×ӿƼ ÓÐÏÞ¹«Ë¾ CS8560 CS8560 ,, LED , 15V 。 P E/D MOS LED 24 12 24 50/60Hz 900Hz ( 1 59 8-9 ) , ( 1 59 59 ) .FCM7004 - Digital Clock Calendar
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HYM8563 I C Real Time Clock/Calendar www.DataSheet4U.com 2 HYM8563 Data Sheet Features ■ Provides Year, Month, Day, Weekday, Hours, Minutes and Se.ICS9LPRS480 - Programmable System Clock
Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc. ICS9LPRS480 Programmable System Clock Chip for ATI RS780 - K8TM based Systems Recommended Application: ATI RS780 sy.RTM870T-691 - TSSOP56 low power main clock
General Description RTM870T-691 is a TSSOP56 low power main clock for ATI RS600 system using AMD K8 processors & SB600 Southbridge Output Features: z .SC3610D - FM/AM TUNER FREQUENCY & CLOCK DISPLAY DRIVER
SC3610 FM/AM TUNER FREQUENCY & CLOCK DISPLAY DRIVER DESCRIPTION The SC3610 is a frequency and clock display driver used for displaying FM/AM radio f.STR1116G - Clock Oscillators
( DataSheet : www.DataSheet4U.com ) www.DataSheet4U.com .LM8560 - DIGITAL ALARM CLOCK
UTC LM8560 DIGITAL ALARM CLOCK DESCRIPTION The LM8560 is alarm equipped digital clock IC with built-in driver capable of directly driving LED display .PCF85163 - Real-time clock and calendar
PCF85163 Real-time clock and calendar Rev. 2 — 28 July 2010 Product data sheet 1. General description The PCF85163 is a CMOS1 Real-Time Clock (RTC) .MM5316 - Digital Alarm Clock
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w w w .d e e h s a t a . u t4 m o c www.DataSheet4U.com .ADCLK944 - SIGE CLOCK FANOUT BUFFER
2.5 V/3.3 V, Four LVPECL Outputs, SiGe Clock Fanout Buffer ADCLK944 FEATURES Operating frequency: 7.0 GHz Broadband random jitter: 50 fs rms On-chip i.