EGP15B - Ultra Fast Rectifiers
LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD. EGP15A thru EGP15G 1.FEATURES * Plastic package has Underwriters Laboratory Glass Passivated Junction Ultra Fast Rectifi.GP15B - 1.5A Sintered Glass Passivated Rectifier
1.5A Sintered Glass Passivated Rectifier GP15A –GP15M 1.5A Sintered Glass Passivated Rectifier Features • Sintered glass passivated (SGP) rectifier c.GP15B - Glass Passivated Junction Plastic Rectifiers
GP15A THRU GP15M Features 1.5 AMPS. Glass Passivated Junction Plastic Rectifiers Voltage Range 50 to 1000 Volts Current 1.5 Amperes DO-15 High temp.GP15B - Glass Passivated Junction Rectifier
Not for New Designs GP15A, GP15B, GP15D, GP15G, GP15J, GP15K, GP15M Vishay General Semiconductor Glass Passivated Junction Plastic .GP15B - SILICON RECTIFIER DIODES
GP15A - GP15M SILICON RECTIFIER DIODES PRV : 50 - 1000 Volts Io : 1.5 Amperes D2 FEATURES : * High current capability * High surge current capabil.GP15B - Silicon And Fast Recovery Rectifiers
RoHS Silicon And Fast Recovery Rectifiers TYPE Maximum Maximum Peak Forward Recurrent Average Surge Current Peak Forward Half Reverse Rectified .RGP15B - FAST SWITCHING RECTIFIERS
RGP15A THRU RGP15M FAST SWITCHING RECTIFIERS GLASS PASSIVATED JUNCTION Reverse Voltage – 50 to 1000 Volts Forward Current – 1.5 Amperes Features • Hig.RGP15B - Fast Switching Rectifiers
LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD. RGP15A thru RGP15M 1.FEATURES * Plastic package has Underwriters Laboratory Flammability Classification 94V-0 Glass Pass.RGP15B - Glass Passivated Junction Fast Recovery Rectifiers
RGP15A THRU RGP15M Features 1.5 AMPS. Glass Passivated Junction Fast Recovery Rectifiers Voltage Range 50 to 1000 Volts Current 1.5 Amperes DO-15 H.RGP15B - 1.5A Sintered Glass Passivated Fast Recovery Rectifier
1.5A Sintered Glass Passivated Fast Recovery Rectifier RGP15A – RGP15M 1.5A Sintered Glass Passivated Fast Recovery Rectifier Features • Sintered g.GP15B - GLASS PASSIVATED JUNCTION RECTIFIER
GP15A THRU GP15M GLASS PASSIVATED JUNCTION RECTIFIER Reverse Voltage - 50 to 1000 Volts * D DO-204AC 0.034 (0.86) 1.0 (25.4) MIN. 0.028 (0.71) DIA. F.GP15B - 1.5 Amp Glass Passivated Junction Rectifiers 50 to 1000 Volts
MCC Features omponents 21201 Itasca Street Chatsworth !"# $ % !"# GP15A THRU GP15M 1.5.RGP15B - Glass Passivated Junction Fast Switching Plastic Rectifier
Not for New Designs RGP15A, RGP15B, RGP15D, RGP15G, RGP15J, RGP15K, RGP15M Vishay General Semiconductor Glass Passivated Junction F.RGP15B - FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIER
TH97/10561QM TW00/17276EM IATF 0060636 SGS TH07/1033 RGP15A - RGP15M FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIER PRV : 50 - 1000 Volts Io : 1.5 Amperes FEATURES : * .RGP15B - Fast Switching Plastic Rectifier
RGP15A thru RGP15M Fast Switching Plastic Rectifier DO201AD Type Package Description: The RGP15 Series rectifiers are glass passivated junction, fast.RGP15B - GLASS PASSIVATED FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIER
R SEMICONDUCTOR RGP15A THRU RGP15M GLASS PASSIVATED FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIER Reverse Voltage: 50 to 1000 Volts Forward Current:1.5Ampere FEATURES Gla.GP15B - Surface Mount Glass Passivated Rectifier
Features ◆ Plastic package has Underwrites laboratory Flammability Classification 94V-0 ◆ High temperature metallurgically bonded construction ◆ Cavit.RGP15B - GLASS PASSIVATED JUNCTION FAST SWITCHING PLASTIC RECTIFIER
RGP15A THRU RGP15M GLASS PASSIVATED JUNCTION FAST SWITCHING PLASTIC RECTIFIER Reverse Voltage - 50 to 1000 Volts * D DO-204AC 0.034 (0.86) 1.0 (25.4) .RGP15B - 1.5 Amp Glass Passivated Junction Fast Recovery Rectifiers 50 to 1000 Volts
MCC Features omponents 21201 Itasca Street Chatsworth !"# $ % !"# RGP15A THRU RGP15M 1.