Drop-In Monolithic Amplifier DC-1 GHz Product Fea.
OB25133 - High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch
OB2513x High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES OB2513x is a high performance offline PSR power Primary-s.VIPER22A - LOW POWER OFF LINE SMPS PRIMARY SWITCHER
® VIPer22ADIP VIPer22AS LOW POWER OFF LINE SMPS PRIMARY SWITCHER TYPICAL POWER CAPABILITY Mains type European (195 - 265 Vac) US / Wide range (85 - .OB2530P - High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side Power Switch
OB2530P High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side Power Switch GENERAL DESCRIPTION OB2530P is a high performance offline PSR power switch for low power AC/DC.CSC7101 - High efficiency low standby power primary side feedback AC/DC driver
CSC7101 AC/DC CSC7101 AC/DC。 ,、TL431 。CSC7101 BJT、PFM, ,。 CSC7101 , 。 VCC FB CPC CS SOP7 GND HV HV 810V , TL431 CV/CC (OVP/UV.MT6735 - LTE Smartphone Application Processor
MT6735 LTE Smartphone Application Processor Technical Brief Version: Release date: 1.1 2015-02-24 Specifications are subject to change without noti.PN8370 - Low Standby-Power Quasi-Resonant Primary-Side Converter
PN8370 Chipown Low Standby-Power Quasi-Resonant Primary-Side Converter General Description The PN8370 consists of a Low Standby-Power Quasi-Resonant.SW6208 - highly integrated power management
SW6208 Bidirectional Fast Charge Power Bank Total Solution Include PD for Bidirectional Fast Charge Power Bank 1. General Description The SW6208 is .MD1801 - High performance primary side regulator (PSR) offline switch power supply (SMPS) controller
MD1800/01 Datasheet High performance primary side regulator (PSR) offline switch power supply (SMPS) controller PRODUCT DESCRIPTION MD180X is high pe.DP2539A - High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch
DP2539A High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch GENERAL DESCRIPTION DP2539A is a high performance offline PWM power switch for low power A.OB25134 - High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch
OB2513x High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES OB2513x is a high performance offline PSR power Primary-s.OB2538 - High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Controller
On-Bright Confidential to ACT OB2538 High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Controller Product Specification GENERAL DESCRIPTION OB2538 is a high per.LD7522 - Smart Green-Mode PWM Controller
LD7522 12/5/2008 Smart Green-Mode PWM Controller with Multiple Protections REV:04 General Description The LD7522 is a low startup current, current m.VIPER12A-E - Low power offline switched-mode power supply primary switcher
VIPER12A-E Low power offline switched-mode power supply primary switcher Features ■ Fixed 60 kHz switching frequency ■ 9 V to 38 V wide range VDD vol.MT6580 - WCDMA Smartphone SoC Application Processor
MT6580 WCDMA Smartphone SoC Application Processor Technical Brief Version: Release date: 1.0 2015-04-15 Specifications are subject to change withou.DP2540A - High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch
DP2540A High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch GENERAL DESCRIPTION DP2540A is a high performance offline PWM power switch for low power A.LD7523 - Smart Green-Mode PWM Controller
LD7523 6/16/2009 Smart Green-Mode PWM Controller with Multiple Protections REV: 00 General Description The LD7523 is a low startup current, current.OB3396AP - High Precision Off-line Primary-Side PWM Power Switch
High Precision Off-line Primary-Side PWM Power Switch OB3396 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OB3396 is a primary side regulation off-line LED lighting controlle.LIS8516 - Two windings - primary-side control LED driver switch
LIS8516 - LED (LEB) (110uA) , 600VMOS DIP-8 LIS8516 LED , LED , 。 431 , , IC , 。,LIS8516 , 16.