CPC1008N - Normally Open 4-Pin SOP OptoMOS Relay
INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION Parameter Blocking Voltage Load Current On-Resistance (max) Rating 100 150 8 Units VP mArms / mADC Features • 1500V.CPC1017N - 60V Normally-Open Single-Pole 4-Pin SOP OptoMOS Relay
INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION Parameter Blocking Voltage Load Current On-Resistance (max) LED Current to operate Rating 60 100 16 1 Units VP mArms /.SJDA065R055 - Normally-On Trench Silicon Carbide Power JFET
Normally-On Trench Silicon Carbide Power JFET Features: - Positive Temperature Coefficient for Ease of Paralleling - Extremely Fast Switching with No.TSS1J42 - (TSS1x42) SSR / NORMALLY-OPEN PC-MOUNT SOLID-STATE RELAY
w w w .d e e h s a t a . u t4 m o c www.DataSheet4U.com .BA7766AS - (BA7765AS - BA7767AS) NORMAL AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSINGS
( DataSheet : www.DataSheet4U.com ) www.DataSheet4U.com www.DataSheet4U.com .LCA712 - 1A Single-Pole Normally Open Relay
INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION Parameter Blocking Voltage Load Current Off-State Leakage Current On-Resistance (max) Ratings 60 1 10 0.5 Units VP Arm.PAA127 - Normally Open OptoMOS Relay
INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION PAA127 Dual Single-Pole, Normally Open OptoMOS® Relay Parameter Blocking Voltage Load Current On-Resistance (max) Rati.PAA132 - Normally Open OptoMOS Relays
INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION Parameter Blocking Voltage Load Current Input Control Current On-Resistance (max) Rating 60 600 2 1 Units VP mArms / m.PLA190 - Normally Open OptoMOS Relay
INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION PLA190 Single Pole, Normally Open OptoMOS® Relay Parameter Blocking Voltage Load Current On-Resistance (max) Rating 40.SJEP170R550 - Normally-OFF Trench Silicon Carbide Power JFET
Silicon Carbide SJEP170R550 Normally-OFF Trench Silicon Carbide Power JFET Features: - Compatible with Standard Gate Driver ICs - Positive Tempera.SJDP120R085 - Normally-On Trench Silicon Carbide Power JFET
Silicon Carbide SJDP120R085 Normally-On Trench Silicon Carbide Power JFET Features: - Positive Temperature Coefficient for Ease of Paralleling - E.ASJD1200R085 - Normally-ON Trench Silicon Carbide Power JFET
ADVANCE INFORMATION SiC JFET ASJD1200R085 Normally-ON Trench Silicon Carbide Power JFET FEATURES: Die Inside • Hermetic TO-258 Packaging • 200°C .BA7765AS - (BA7765AS - BA7767AS) NORMAL AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSINGS
( DataSheet : www.DataSheet4U.com ) www.DataSheet4U.com www.DataSheet4U.com .BA7767AS - NORMAL AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSINGS
( DataSheet : www.DataSheet4U.com ) www.DataSheet4U.com www.DataSheet4U.com .PLA171 - Normally Open Relay
INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION Parameter Load Voltage Load Current On-Resistance (max) Input Control Current Rating 800 100 50 2 Units VP mArms / mAD.CPC1117N - Single-Pole Normally Closed Relay
INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION Parameter Blocking Voltage Load Current On-Resistance (max) LED Current to Operate Rating 60 150 16 1 Units VP mArms /.CPC1706 - Normally Open 4-Pin OptoMOS DC Power SIP Relay
Parameter Blocking Voltage Load Current On-Resistance Rating 60 4 0.09 Units VP ADC Ω Features • Handle Load Currents Up to 4ADC • 2500Vrms Input/O.SS-1A-05 - Rele Miniatura para PCI - 5VDC - Normal Aberto
Documento de propriedade Cromax Eletrônica Ltda. Proibida a reprodução, mesmo parcial, sem autorização. Sujeito a alteração sem aviso prévio. 5,0 7,5 .LAA108 - Normally Open OptoMOS Relay
INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION Parameter Blocking Voltage Load Current On-Resistance (max) Ratings 100 300 8 Units VP mArms / mADC Features • 3750.PLB190 - Normally Closed OptoMOS Relay
INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION PLB190 Single-Pole, Normally Closed OptoMOS® Relay Parameter Blocking Voltage Load Current On-Resistance (max) Rating .