F9540N - IRF9540N
www.DataSheet4U.com PD - 91437B IRF9540N HEXFET® Power MOSFET l l l l l l Advanced Process Technology Dynamic dv/dt Rating 175°C Operating Temperat.XT2052 - 1A Is Compatible With the USB Interface Linear Battery Management
XT2052 1A Compatible With the USB Interface, Linear Battery Management Chip ■ General Description The XT2052 is a constant- current / constant- volt.RTL8111H - INTEGRATED 10/100/1000M ETHERNET CONTROLLER
RTL8111H-CG RTL8111HS-CG INTEGRATED 10/100/1000M ETHERNET CONTROLLER FOR PCI EXPRESS APPLICATIONS DATASHEET (CONFIDENTIAL: Development Partners Only) .ACS712 - Fully Integrated / Hall Effect-Based Linear Current Sensor
ACS712 Fully Integrated, Hall-Effect-Based Linear Current Sensor IC with 2.4 kVRMS Isolation and a Low-Resistance Current Conductor FEATURES AND BENE.MKP62 - Metallized polypropylene film Interference Suppression capacitor
® C42 MKP62 series ‘Ñ\^S€ZNpï•œb—^rbpu5[¹Vhÿ X2 |{ , 275Vac/305Vacÿ Metallized polypropylene film Interference Suppression capacitor ÿ Class X2, 275.TOP253PN - Integrated Off Line Switcher
TOP252-262 TOPSwitch-HX Family Enhanced EcoSmart, Integrated Off-Line Switcher with Advanced Feature Set and Extended Power Range Product Highlights .SW6208 - highly integrated power management
SW6208 Bidirectional Fast Charge Power Bank Total Solution Include PD for Bidirectional Fast Charge Power Bank 1. General Description The SW6208 is .IP5310 - Integrated USB TYPE-C Power-Bank System-On-Chip
IP5310 Integrated USB TYPE-C Power Bank System-On-Chip with 3A charger, 3.1A discharger 1. Features Switch buck charger and boost 3A Synchronou.TNY276PN - Energy Efficient / Off-Line Switcher
TNY274-280 TinySwitch-III Family Energy-Efficient, Off-Line Switcher with Enhanced Flexibility and Extended Power Range Product Highlights Lowest Sys.F9Z24N - IRF9Z24N
PD -9.1484B www.DataSheet4U.com IRF9Z24N VDSS = -55V RDS(on) = 0.175Ω HEXFET® Power MOSFET Advanced Process Technology Dynamic dv/dt Rating l 175°C .DP2358 - Highly Integrated Offline Current Mode PWM Power Switch
DP2358 Highly Integrated Offline Current Mode PWM Power Switch FEATURES Integrated with 600V Power MOSFET ±1% CV Regulation Less than 75mW Stan.TNY279PN - Energy Efficient / Off-Line Switcher
TNY274-280 TinySwitch-III Family Energy-Efficient, Off-Line Switcher with Enhanced Flexibility and Extended Power Range Product Highlights Lowest Sys.ISL95831 - 3+1 Voltage Regulator
3+1 Voltage Regulator for IMVP-7/VR12™ CPUs ISL95831 Compliant with IMVP-7/VR12™, the ISL95831 provides a complete solution for microprocessor and gr.13003 - NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor
13003 NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor TO-220 HIGH VOLTAGE SWITCHING APPLICATIONS Collector-Emitter Voltage: VCEO=400V Collector Dissipation: PC(max).JW1795 - Integrated 500V MOS non-isolated buck LED driver
Parameters Subject to Change Without Notice JW1795 500V MOS LED JW1795 500V MOS,、 LED 。 ,, ,。 JW1795 ,, 。 JW1795, 0.1S,LED。 , ,,LED, LED。 Com.IRF640N - Power MOSFET
l Advanced Process Technology l Dynamic dv/dt Rating l 175°C Operating Temperature l Fast Switching l Fully Avalanche Rated l Ease of Paralleling l Si.CD4017BE - CMOS COUNTER/DIVIDERS
Data sheet acquired from Harris Semiconductor SCHS027C − Revised February 2004 ripple-clock the succeeding device in a multi-device counting chain. .