OV3660 - color CMOS QSXGA image sensor
OV3660 datasheet PRELIMINARY SPECIFICATION 1/5" color CMOS QSXGA (3 megapixel) image sensor with OmniBSI™ technology OV3660 color CMOS QSXGA (3 meg.TSUM56AL - SXGA LCD Controller
TSUM56AL SXGA LCD Controller with MCU, Dual Interface and Dual LVDS Transmitter Preliminary Data Sheet Version 0.4 FEATURES n n n Input Ports Ÿ RG.TSUM16AK - SXGA LCD Controller
TSUM16AK SXGA LCD Controller with MCU, Analog Interface and Dual LVDS Transmitter Data Sheet Version 1.0 FEATURES n Input Ports Ÿ RGB analog input p.M201EW02-V9 - WSXGA+ Color TFT-LCD
Global LCD Panel Exchange Center www.panelook.com Product Specification AU OPTRONICS CORPORATION M201EW02 V9 ( ) Preliminary Specification ( V) Fi.LM170E03-TLHB - SXGA TFT LCD
Global LCD Panel Exchange Center www.panelook.com Product Specification SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVAL LM170E03 Liquid Crystal Display ( ) Preliminar.OV5640 - color CMOS QSXGA (5 megapixel) image sensor
datasheet PRELIMINARY SPECIFICATION 1/4" color CMOS QSXGA (5 megapixel) image sensor with OmniBSI™ technology OV5640 i 00Copyright © 2010 OmniVisio.OV5647 - color CMOS QSXGA (5 megapixel) image sensor
C on fide ntia l for truly O nly OV5647 datasheet PRELIMINARY SPECIFICATION 1/4" color CMOS QSXGA (5 megapixel) image sensor with OmniBSI™ technology.M170EG01 - SXGA Color TFT-LCD
Product Specification AU OPTRONICS CORPORATION M170EG01 Contents 1. Handling Precautions.LM201W01-STB1 - WSXGA+ TFT LCD
Global LCD Panel Exchange Center www.panelook.com Product Specification SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVAL LM201W01 Liquid Crystal Display ( ) Preliminary.TSU16AK - SXGA LCD Controller
TSU16AK SXGA LCD Controller with Analog Interface and Dual LVDS Transmitter Preliminary Data Sheet Version 0.3 FEATURES Input Port Ÿ RGB analog input.M220EW01-V2 - WSXGA+ Color TFT-LCD
Global LCD Panel Exchange Center www.panelook.com Product Specification AU OPTRONICS CORPORATION M220EW01 V2 ( ) Preliminary Specification ( V ) F.LM190E0A-SLA1 - SXGA TFT LCD
Product Specification LM190E0A Liquid Crystal Display SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVAL (◆) Preliminary Specification ( ) Final Specification Title BUYER.OV5648 - color CMOS QSXGA (5-megapixel) image sensor
OV5648 datasheet PRELIMINARY SPECIFICATION 1/4" color CMOS QSXGA (5 megapixel) image sensor with OmniBSI+™ technology OV5648 color CMOS QSXGA (5 me.MST5151A - SXGA LCD TV Controller
MST5151A SXGA LCD TV Controller with Dual LVDS Transmitter Preliminary Product Brief Version 0.2 FEATURES Ÿ LCD TV controller with PC & multimedia di.M201SP01-V1 - WSXGA+ Color TFT-LCD
Global LCD Panel Exchange Center www.panelook.com Product Specification AU OPTRONICS CORPORATION M201SP01 V1 ( V ) Preliminary Specification ( ) F.LM190E09-TLB1 - SXGA TFT LCD
Global LCD Panel Exchange Center www.panelook.com 3URGXFW 6SHFLILFDWLRQ /0 ( /LTXLG &U\VWDO 'LVSOD\ 63(&,),&$7,21 )25 $33529$/ 3UHOLPLQDU\ 6SHF.LM220WE1-TLM1 - WSXGA+ TFT LCD
Product Specification Contents No 1 2 3 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 4 5 6 7 1) 2) 8 1) 2) 9 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) ITEM COVER CONTENTS RECORD OF REVISIONS GE.G170ETN02.0 - SXGA Color TFT-LCD Module
((MMV)oo)PddFreuielnlleNaimal mSinpeaercyifSicpFaetocioirfn1Gic7D1a.7t0i0A”oESnTTXAAPNGUA0rUA2OoM.P0COdT2oROu0lOoC1NcrDIT7tCoUFS1SnTC1-LpOfLi0RCedIP6D.G190ETN01.2 - SXGA TFT-LCD Module
Global LCD Panel Exchange Center www.panelook.com Product Specification AU OPTRONICS CORPORATION ʳ ʳ G190ETN01.2 (V) Preliminary Specification ( .M170ETN01.0 - SXGA Color TFT-LCD
Global LCD Panel Exchange Center www.panelook.com Product Specification AU OPTRONICS CORPORATION M170ETN01.0 ( ) Preliminary Specification (V) Fin.