
U232 Datasheet, Features, Application

U232 monolithic dual n-channel JFET

monolithic dual n-channel JFETs designed for • .

Holtek Semiconductor
rating-1 5

HT46RU232 - A/D Type 8-Bit OTP MCU

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FT8U232AM - U-UART - USB UltraBaud Data Transfer IC with RS232 / RS422 and CPU I/F Options

Potens semiconductor
rating-1 3

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U232 - monolithic dual n-channel JFET

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FT8U232 - U-UART - USB UltraBaud Data Transfer IC with RS232 / RS422 and CPU I/F Options

Potens semiconductor
rating-1 1

PDEU2320W - N-Channel MOSFETs

Potens semiconductor
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PDEU2320Y - N-Channel MOSFETs

Potens semiconductor
rating-1 1

PDEU2320Z - N-Channel MOSFETs

rating-1 1

U232 - N-Channel JFET

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