
AD9135 Datasheet, Analog Devices

AD9135 converter equivalent, digital-to-analog converter.

AD9135 Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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AD9135 Datasheet

Features and benefits

Support input data rate >2 GSPS Proprietary low spurious and distortion design SFDR = 82 dBc at dc IF, −9 dBFS Flexible 8-lane JESD204B interface Multiple chip synchroniz.


Wireless communications 3G/4G W-CDMA base stations Wideband repeaters Software defined radios Wideband communications Po.


The AD9135/AD9136 are dual, 11-/16-bit, high dynamic range digital-to-analog converters (DACs) that provide a maximum sample rate of 2800 MSPS, permitting a multicarrier generation over a very wide bandwidth. The DAC outputs are optimized to interfac.

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