
FAN7311M Datasheet, Fairchild Semiconductor

FAN7311M driver equivalent, lcd backlight inverter driver.

FAN7311M Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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FAN7311M Datasheet

Features and benefits

* High-Efficiency Single-Stage Power Conversion
* Wide Input Voltage Range: 5V to 25.5V
* Backlight Lamp Ballast and Soft Dimming
* Reduced Number of Requ.


* LCD Monitor Description The FAN7311 provides all the co ntrol fu nctions for a series p arallel reso.


The FAN7311 provides all the co ntrol fu nctions for a series p arallel resonant co nverter as well as a pu lse width m odulation (PWM) controller t o d evelop a s upply voltage. T ypical op erating fre quency ran ge is bet ween 30kHz and 250kHz, dep.

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