INA-51063 amplifier equivalent, silicon mmic amplifier.
* Ultra-Miniature Package
* Internally Biased, Single 5 V
Supply (12 mA)
* 20.5 dB Gain
* 3 dB NF
* Unconditionally Stable
* Amplifie.
* Amplifier for Cellular, Cordless, Special Mobile Radio, PCS, ISM, Wireless LAN, DBS, TVRO, and TV Tuner Applicatio.
Hewlett-Packard’s INA-51063 is a Silicon monolithic amplifier that offers excellent gain and noise figure for applications to 2.4 GHz. Packaged in an ultra-miniature SOT-363 package, it requires half the board space of a SOT-143 package.
The INA-5106.
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