14-bit 95msps 3.3v adc.
* Direct IF Sampling Up to 400MHz
* Excellent Dynamic Performance 74.2dB/72.1dB SNR at fIN = 3MHz/175MHz 88.4dBc/74.7dBc SFDR at fIN = 3MHz/175MHz
* Low Noise.
Powered from a single 3.3V supply, the MAX12555 consumes only 497mW while delivering a typical 72.1dB signal-to-noise r.
* Direct IF Sampling Up to 400MHz
* Excellent Dynamic Performance 74.2dB/72.1dB SNR at fIN = 3MHz/175MHz 88.4dBc/74.7dBc SFDR at fIN = 3MHz/175MHz
* Low Noise Floor: 74.7dBFS
* 3.3V Low-Power Operation 465mW (Single-Ended Clo.
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