
BA01207 Datasheet, Mitsubishi Electric

BA01207 ic equivalent, gaas hbt hybrid ic.

BA01207 Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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BA01207 Datasheet

Features and benefits

Low voltage Vc =3.5V High power Po=27.5dBm High gain Gp=27.5dB@Po=27.5dBm 2stage amplifier Internal input* and output matching *Use DC block for input port 2 3 1.45 AP.


The BA01207 GaAs RF amplifier designed for J-cdmaOne hand-held phone. Outline Drawing unit : milimeter 1 8 7 6 4 4.5 5 1.5max. 1:Pin 2:Vc1 3:Vc2 4:GND 5:Pout 6:Vcb 7:Vref 8:GND FEATURES Low voltage Vc =3.5V High power Po=27.5dBm High gain Gp=27.5dB.

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