STP100NF03L-03 mosfet equivalent, n-channel power mosfet.
Type STB100NF03L-03 STB100NF03L-03-1 STP100NF03L-03
VDSS 30V 30V 30V
RDS(on) <0.0032Ω <0.0032Ω <0.0032Ω
ID 100A 100A 100A TO-220
1 2 3
3 1
Switching application
Order codes
Part number STB100NF03L-03T4 STB100NF03L-03-1 STP100NF03L-03 Marking B100NF03L.
This Power MOSFET is the latest development of STMicroelectronis unique "Single Feature Size™" strip-based process. The resulting transistor shows extremely high packing density for low onresistance, rugged avalanche characteristics and less critical.
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