1mx36 & 2mx18 sram.
* 1Mx36 or 2Mx18 Organizations.
* 1.8 or 2.5V VDD/1.5V ~1.8VDDQ.
* HSTL Input and Output Levels.
* Differential, HSTL Clock Inputs K, K.
* Synchronous.
where Product failure could result in loss of life or personal or physical harm, or any military or defense application,.
The K7P323674C and K7P321874C are 37,748,736 bit Synchronous Pipeline Mode SRAM. It is organized as 1,048,576 words of 36 bits(or 2,097,152 words of 18 bits)and is implemented in SAMSUNG′s advanced CMOS technology. Single differential HSTL level K cl.
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