LXT972M Datasheet, transceiver equivalent, Intel Corporation

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Part number: LXT972M

Manufacturer: Intel Corporation

File Size: 1.21MB

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Description: Single-Port 10/100 Mbps PHY Transceiver

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LXT972M Features and benefits

* 3.3V Operation IEEE 802.3-compliant 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX with integrated filters Auto-negotiation and parallel detection MII interface wi.

LXT972M Application

It provides a Media Independent Interface (MII) for easy attachment to 10/100 Media Access Controllers (MACs). Both ful.

LXT972M Description

at any time, without notice. The Intel® LXT972M Single-Port 10/100 Mbps PHY Transceiver may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are avail.

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Intel Corporation

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