AF7530M - 150mA Low Power LDO
Features Low power consumption Low voltage drop Low temperature coefficient AF75XXM 150mA Low Power LDO High input voltage (up to 15V) Outp.AF7533M - 150mA Low Power LDO
Features Low power consumption Low voltage drop Low temperature coefficient AF75XXM 150mA Low Power LDO High input voltage (up to 15V) Outp.GS7108 - Low Noise 150mA LDO Regulator
Low Noise 150mA LDO Regulator Features Low Supply Current ~ 36uA (Typ.) Low Shutdown Current ~0.1uA (Typ.) Output Current ~150mA High Power Su.APL5156 - 150mA LDO Regulator
APL5156 High Input Voltage, Low Quiescent Current, 150mA LDO Regulator Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Wide Operating Voltage : 6.5V~25V Ult.SP6223 - 50mA and 150mA CMOS Linear Regulators
SP6222/SP6223 50mA and 150mA CMOS Linear Regulators FEATURES Very low Dropout Voltage: 200mV typ (150mA load) High Output Setpoint Accuracy of 1% (ty.AS2930 - 150mA Low Dropout Voltage Regulator
FEATURES • Output Current in Excess of 150mA • 3V, 3.3V, 3.5V, 4.0V, 4.5V & 5.0V Versions Available • Very Low Quiescent Current • Input-Output Differ.LP2951 - 150mA ADJUSTABLE VOLTAGE REGULATOR
150mA ADJUSTABLE VOLTAGE REGULATOR March 17, 1998 LP2951 TEL:805-498-2111 FAX:805-498-3804 WEB:http://www.semtech.com DESCRIPTION The LP2951 series.CLM2930 - 150mA Low Dropout Voltage Regulators
150mA Low Dropout Voltage Regulators CORPORATION CLM2930 FEATURES PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The CLM2930 is a positive low power voltage regulator. This dev.BP6212 - 150mA High Input Voltage Low Power LDO
BPSEMI 150mA High Input Voltage Low Power LDO BP6212 Features z Low power consumption z Low voltage drop z Low temperature coefficient Applications .GL1150 - 150mA LOW - NOISE LDO REGULATOR
Gleam Power Management GL1150 150mA LOW - NOISE LDO REGULATOR Description GL1150 is an efficient liner voltage regulator with ultra low noise output.APL5155 - 150mA LDO Regulator
APL5155 High Input Voltage, Low Quiescent Current, 150mA LDO Regulator Features General Description • Wide Input Voltage Range: 5.4V to 25V The A.BL8555 - Low noise 150mA LDO regulator
Features BL8555 Low noise 150mA LDO regulator General Description Applications BL8555 Typical Application Circuit BL8555 Typical Performance Chara.M54580P - 7-UNIT 150mA SOURCE TYPE DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY
www.DataSheet4U.com MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTORRAA214220 - 150mA 20V Wide Input Voltage Range LDO Linear Regulator
RAA214220 150mA 20V Wide Input Voltage Range LDO Linear Regulator Datasheet The RAA214220 is a low-dropout linear voltage regulator that operates wi.SiLM42280-AQ - Triple 150mA Linear LED Driver
Triple 150mA Linear LED Driver SiLM42280/1/2/3-AQ GENERAL DESCRIPTION SiLM42280/1/2/3-AQ family devices provide independent triple linear current co.SiLM42281-AQ - Triple 150mA Linear LED Driver
Triple 150mA Linear LED Driver SiLM42280/1/2/3-AQ GENERAL DESCRIPTION SiLM42280/1/2/3-AQ family devices provide independent triple linear current co.SiLM42282-AQ - Triple 150mA Linear LED Driver
Triple 150mA Linear LED Driver SiLM42280/1/2/3-AQ GENERAL DESCRIPTION SiLM42280/1/2/3-AQ family devices provide independent triple linear current co.SiLM42283-AQ - Triple 150mA Linear LED Driver
Triple 150mA Linear LED Driver SiLM42280/1/2/3-AQ GENERAL DESCRIPTION SiLM42280/1/2/3-AQ family devices provide independent triple linear current co.LP2985LV - Micropower 150mA Low-Noise Low-Dropout Regulator
LP2985LV Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMD packages for Applications with Output Voltages ≤ 2.0V LP2985LV Se.