Advanced Information CAT25C01/02/04/08/16 1K/2K/4.
FM25C160B - 16-Kbit (2K x 8) Serial (SPI) Automotive F-RAM
FM25C160B 16-Kbit (2 K × 8) Serial (SPI) Automotive F-RAM 16-Kbit (2 K × 8) Serial (SPI) Automotive F-RAM Features ■ 16-Kbit ferroelectric random acc.ST25C16 - (ST2xxx) 16 Kbit Serial I2C Bus EEPROM with User-Defined Block Write Protection
ST24C16, ST25C16 ST24W16, ST25W16 16 Kbit Serial I2C Bus EEPROM with User-Defined Block Write Protection 1 MILLION ERASE/WRITE CYCLES, with 40 YEARS D.GT25C16 - SPI 16K Bits Serial EEPROM
GT25C16 GT25C16 SPI 16K Bits Serial EEPROM Copyright © 2011 Giantec Semiconductor Inc. (Giantec). All rights reserved. Giantec reserves the right.25C16 - 1K/2K/4K/8K/16K SPI Serial CMOS E2PROM
Advanced Information CAT25C01/02/04/08/16 1K/2K/4K/8K/16K SPI Serial CMOS E2PROM FEATURES s 10 MHz SPI Compatible s 1.8 to 6.0 Volt Operation s Hardw.25C160 - 16K SPI Bus Serial EEPROM
Not recommended for new designs – Please use 25AA160A/B or 25LC160A/B. 25AA160/25LC160/25C160 16K SPI Bus Serial EEPROM Device Selection Table Part.CAT25C16 - 1K/2K/4K/8K/16K SPI Serial CMOS E2PROM
Advanced Information CAT25C01/02/04/08/16 1K/2K/4K/8K/16K SPI Serial CMOS E2PROM FEATURES s 10 MHz SPI Compatible s 1.8 to 6.0 Volt Operation s Hardw.CAT25C16X - Supervisory Circuits with SPI Serial E2PROM/ Precision Reset Controller and Watchdog Timer
Advanced CAT25CXXX Supervisory Circuits with SPI Serial E2PROM, Precision Reset Controller and Watchdog Timer FEATURES s 10 MHz SPI Compatible s 1.8.FM25C160U - 16K-Bit SPI Interface Serial CMOS EEPROM
FM25C160U 16K-Bit SPI Interface Serial CMOS EEPROM February 2002 FM25C160U 16K-Bit SPI™ Interface Serial CMOS EEPROM General Description The FM25C16.NM25C160 - 16K-Bit Serial CMOS EEPROM (Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Synchronous Bus)
NM25C160 16K-Bit Serial CMOS EEPROM (Serial Periphrial Interface (SPI) Synchronous Bus) March 1999 NM25C160 16K-Bit Serial CMOS EEPROM (Serial Perip.S-25C160AxxH - SPI SERIAL E2PROM
S-25C160A H Series © ABLIC Inc., 2010-2017 105°C OPERATION SPI SERIAL E2PROM FOR AUTOMOTIVE Rev.3.0_01_H The S-25C160A H series de.S-25C160A - SPI SERIAL E2PROM
S-25C160A © ABLIC Inc., 2009-2015 SPI SERIAL E2PROM Rev.4.2_03_H The S-25C160A is a SPI serial E2PROM which operates at high speed.IS25C08 - (IS25C08 / IS25C16) 8K-BIT/16K-BIT SPI SERIAL ELECTRICALLY ERASABLE PROM IS25C08 IS25C16 8K-BIT/16K-BIT SPI SERIAL ELECTRICALLY ERASABLE PROM ISSI Preliminary Information APRIL 2006 ® FEATURES • Seri.IS25C16 - (IS25C08 / IS25C16) 8K-BIT/16K-BIT SPI SERIAL ELECTRICALLY ERASABLE PROM IS25C08 IS25C16 8K-BIT/16K-BIT SPI SERIAL ELECTRICALLY ERASABLE PROM ISSI Preliminary Information APRIL 2006 ® FEATURES • Seri.S-25C160A - SPI SERIAL E2PROM
S-25C160A © SII Semiconductor Corporation, 2009-2015 SPI SERIAL E2PROM Rev.4.2_02_H The S-25C160A is a SPI serial E2PROM which opera.FM25C160B - 5V F-RAM Memory Preliminary FM25C160B 16Kb Serial 5V F-RAM Memory Features 16K bit Ferroelectric Nonvolatile RAM • Organized as 2,048 x 8 bits •.FM25C160C - 5V F-RAM Memory Preliminary FM25C160C 16Kb Serial 5V F-RAM Memory Features 16K bit Ferroelectric Nonvolatile RAM Organized as 2,048 x 8 bits .FT25C16A - SPI Serial EEPROM
Fremont Micro Devices SPI Serial EEPROM 16K (8-bit wide) FEATURES Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Compatible Supports SPI Modes 0 (0,0) and 3 (1.DP25C160 - HIGH VOLTAGE RECTIFIER DIODE
HIGH VOLTAGE RECTIFIER DIODE DP25C160 MAIN CHARACTERISTICS IF(AV) VR Tj(max) VF(typ)@25℃ 25A 1600 V 150℃ 1.22V Package TO-263-2L A.