PH4148 - High-speed diodes
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET M3D176 1N4148; 1N4448 High-speed diodes Product data sheet Supersedes data of 2002 Jan 23 2004 Aug 10 NXP Semic.ME6118 - 800mA Adjustable Voltage High Speed LDO Regulators
ME6118 800mA Adjustable Voltage High Speed LDO Regulators ME6118 Series General Description The ME6118 series are highly accurate, low noise, LDO Vo.MBQ60T65PES - High Speed Fieldstop Trench IGBT
MBQ60T65PES High Speed Fieldstop Trench IGBT Second Generation MBQ60T65PES High Speed Fieldstop Trench IGBT Second Generation General Description Th.30N60 - High speed IGBT
Low VCE(sat) IGBT High speed IGBT IXGH/IXGM 30 N60 IXGH/IXGM 30 N60A VCES 600 V 600 V IC25 50 A 50 A VCE(sat) 2.5 V 3.0 V Symbol Test Conditions.MG995 - High Speed Metal Gear Dual Ball Bearing Servo
MG995 High Speed Metal Gear Dual Ball Bearing Servo The unit comes complete with 30cm wire and 3 pin 'S' type female header connector that fits most.K2225 - High Speed Power Switching MOSFET
2SK2225 1500V - 2A - MOS FET High Speed Power Switching Application High speed power switching Features High breakdown voltage (VDSS = 1500 V) Hig.RTS5411 - USB 3.0 Super-Speed HUB Controller
RTS5411 RTS5411 USB 3.0 Super-Speed HUB Controller DATASHEET Doc Rev. 1.5 23. Feb. 2018 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. 1 V1.4 RTS5411 TRADEMARKS Real.K75EEH5 - High speed 5 IGBT
IGBT Highspeed5IGBTinTRENCHSTOPTM5technologycopackedwithRAPID1 fastandsoftantiparalleldiode IKZ75N65EH5 650VDuoPackIGBTanddiode Hig.LN1134 - High Speed Low Dropout Middle Current Voltage Regulators
LN1134 High Speed Low Dropout Middle Current Voltage Regulators ■ General Description The LN1134 series are highly precise, positive voltage LDO reg.HCPL-2611 - HIGH SPEED-10 MBit/s LOGIC GATE OPTOCOUPLERS
HIGH SPEED-10 MBit/s LOGIC GATE OPTOCOUPLERS SINGLE-CHANNEL 6N137 HCPL-2601 HCPL-2611 DESCRIPTION The 6N137, HCPL-2601/2611 single-channel and HCPL-26.74393 - High Speed CMOS Logic Dual 4 -Stage Binary Counter
Semiconductor CD74HC393, CD74HCT393 High Speed CMOS Logic Dual 4 -Stage Binary Counter Description The Harris CD74HC393 and CD74HCT393 are 4-stage ri.MSUSB30 - High speed USB2.0 DPDT analog switch circuit
USB2.0 、 MSUSB30 、 USB , +1.8V +4.3V。、、。 D+/D-+5.25V , USB 。 : USB2.0 、 、。 · 1)3V4.5Ω 2)50ps 3):+1.8V +4.3V 4): :10ns :22ns 5)250MHz-41dB 6)V+=0V,.2N2222A - HIGH SPEED SWITCHES
2N2219A ® 2N2222A HIGH SPEED SWITCHES PRELIMINARY DATA DESCRIPTION The 2N2219A and 2N2222A are silicon Planar Epitaxial NPN transistors in Jedec.TC4427 - 1.5A Dual High-Speed Power MOSFET Drivers
TC4426/TC4427/TC4428 1.5A Dual High-Speed Power MOSFET Drivers Features: • High Peak Output Current: 1.5A • Wide Input Supply Voltage Operating Rang.CGH55030F1 - GaN HEMT
CGH55030F1/P1 30 W, 5500-5800 MHz, 28V, GaN HEMT for WiMAX Description Wolfspeed's CGH55030F1/P1 is a gallium nitride (GaN) high electron mobility tra.HCPL-2631 - HIGH SPEED-10 MBit/s LOGIC GATE OPTOCOUPLERS
HIGH SPEED-10 MBit/s LOGIC GATE OPTOCOUPLERS SINGLE-CHANNEL 6N137 HCPL-2601 HCPL-2611 DESCRIPTION The 6N137, HCPL-2601/2611 single-channel and HCPL-26.RG2006LN - Low VF / High-Speed Switching Diode
Ordering number : ENA1434 RG2006LN SANYO Semiconductors DATA SHEET RG2006LN Diffused Junction Silicon Diode Low VF • High-Speed Switching Diode F.SM3257ENBA - High Speed USB 2.0 Flash Memory Controller
DYNA FAMILY SM3257ENBAential forHigh Speed USB 2.0 Flash Memory Controller SMI CoinMOfiidncrlyoDatasheet Revision 1.0 Sep 2014 SM3257ENBA Datasheet.TC4420 - (TC4420 /TC4429) 6A HIGH-SPEED MOSFET DRIVERS
TC4420 TC4429 6A HIGH-SPEED MOSFET DRIVERS FEATURES s s s s s s s s s s s s Latch-Up Protected .. Will Withstand >1.5A Reverse Output Curren.