FDW9926A July 2008 FDW9926A Dual N-Channel 2.5V .
FDS9926A - Dual N-Channel MOSFET
FDS9926A July 2003 FDS9926A Dual N-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench® MOSFET General Description These N-Channel 2.5V specified MOSFETs use Fairch.9926A - Dual N-Channel MOSFET
Shenzhen Tuofeng Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd SMD Type MOSFET Dual N-Channel MOSFET 9926A Features 6A, 20 V. rDS(on) = 0.030 @ VGS = 4.5 V 5..9926A - FDW9926A
FDW9926A July 2008 FDW9926A Dual N-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench® MOSFET General Description This N-Channel 2.5V specified MOSFET is a rugged .APM9926AK - Dual N-Channel MOSFET
APM9926AK Dual N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET Features • 20V/6A, RDS(ON) =28mΩ(typ.) @ VGS =4.5V RDS(ON) =34mΩ(typ.) @ VGS =2.5V Pin Description .AO9926A - Dual N-Channel MOSFET
Jan 2003 AO9926A Dual N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General Description The AO9926A uses advanced trench technology to provide e.FDW9926A - Dual N-Channel MOSFET
FDW9926A July 2008 FDW9926A Dual N-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench® MOSFET General Description This N-Channel 2.5V specified MOSFET is a rugged .SI9926ADY - Dual N-Channel 2.5-V (G-S) MOSFET
Si9926ADY New Product Vishay Siliconix Dual N-Channel 2.5-V (G-S) MOSFET PRODUCT SUMMARY VDS (V) 20 rDS(on) (W) 0.030 @ VGS = 4.5 V 0.040 @ VGS = .SSF9926A - 20V N-Channel MOSFET
Description The SSF9926A uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON) and low gate charge .This device is suitable for use as a load s.CEM9926A - Dual N-Channel MOSFET
Dual N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor FEATURES 20V, 6A, RDS(ON) = 27mΩ @VGS = 4.5V. RDS(ON) = 40mΩ @VGS = 2.5V. Super high dense cel.KI9926A - Dual N-Channel MOSFET
SMD Type MOSFET ■ Features ● RDS(on) = 0.030 Ω @ VGS = 4.5 V ● RDS(on) = 0.040 Ω @ VGS = 2.5 V. Dual N-Channel MOSFET KI9926A SOP-8 1.50 0.15 +0.0.WSP9926A - Dual N-Channel MOSFET
General Description The WSP9926A is the highest performance trench N-ch MOSFET with extreme high cell density , which provide excellent RDSON and gate.SDM9926A - Dual N-Channel E nhancement Mode F ield E ffect Transistor
S DM9926A S amHop Microelectronics C orp. November , 2002 Dual N-C hannel E nhancement Mode Field E ffect Transistor P R ODUC T S UMMAR Y V DS S 20V .SPN9926A - N-Channel MOSFET
SPN9926A N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET DESCRIPTION The SPN9926A is the Dual N-Channel logic enhancement mode power field effect transistors are pr.SSM9926A - Dual N-Channel MOSFET
SSM9926A Comman Drain Dual N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET Product Summary 8 SOP-8 7 6 5 VDS (V) ID (A) RDS(ON) (m ) Max 30 @VGS = 4.0V 20V 6.9926A - Common Drain N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET
9926A Common Drain N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET z Features VDS VGS RDSon TYP ID 21mR@4V5 z Applications ¾ Li-ion battery protection ; ¾ Loa.AP9926A - 20V N+N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET
Description AP9926A 20V N+N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET The AP9926A uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), low gate charg.9926A - Dual N-Channel MOSFET
9926A-VB 9926A-VB Datasheet Dual N-Channel 25-V (D-S) MOSFET www.VBsemi.com PRODUCT SUMMARY VDS (V) RDS(on) (Ω) 0.022 at VGS = 4.5 V 25 0.032 at.JMTP9926A - Dual N-channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET
JMTP9926A Description JMT Dual N-channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET Features 20V, 6.5A RDS(ON) < 17mΩ @ VGS = 4.5V RDS(ON) < 21mΩ @ VGS = 2.5V.