HGTP12N60A4, HGTG12N60A4, HGT1S12N60A4S9A Data She.
HGTP12N60A4 - N-Channel IGBT
HGTP12N60A4, HGTG12N60A4, HGT1S12N60A4S9A Data Sheet August 2003 600V, SMPS Series N-Channel IGBTs The HGTP12N60A4, HGTG12N60A4 and HGT1S12N60A4S9A a.HGTP12N60A4 - N-Channel IGBT
HGTP12N60A4, HGTG12N60A4, HGT1S12N60A4S Data Sheet May 1999 File Number 4656.2 600V, SMPS Series N-Channel IGBT The HGTP12N60A4, HGTG12N60A4 and HGT1.HGTP12N60A4D - N-Channel IGBT
HGTG12N60A4D, HGTP12N60A4D, HGT1S12N60A4DS Data Sheet December 2001 600V, SMPS Series N-Channel IGBT with Anti-Parallel Hyperfast Diode The HGTG12N60.HGTP12N60A4D - N-Channel IGBT
HGTG12N60A4D, HGTP12N60A4D, HGT1S12N60A4DS Data Sheet November 1999 File Number 4697.3 600V, SMPS Series N-Channel IGBT with Anti-Parallel Hyperfast .HGTP12N60A4D - N-Channel IGBT
SMPS Series N-Channel IGBT with Anti-Parallel Hyperfast Diode 600 V HGTG12N60A4D, HGTP12N60A4D, HGT1S12N60A4DS The HGTG12N60A4D, HGTP12N60A4D and HGT1.