LM324A - 36V General Purpose Op Amps
Features ⚫ Supply Voltage: 3V to 36V ⚫ Low Supply Current: 100μA per channel ⚫ Input Common-Mode Voltage Range Includes Ground ⚫ Can Work as Comparato.MAX419 - (MAX406 - MAX419) Single-Supply Op Amps
http://www.Datasheet4U.com http://www.Datasheet4U.com http://www.Datasheet4U.com http://www.Datasheet4U.com http://www.Datasheet4U.com http://www.MCP6022 - 10MHz Op Amps
MCP6021/1R/2/3/4 Rail-to-Rail Input/Output, 10 MHz Op Amps Features • Rail-to-Rail Input/Output • Wide Bandwidth: 10 MHz (typical) • Low Noise: 8.7 .TP2412 - Low Noise CMOS RRIO Op-amps
TP2411/TP2412/TP2414 Low Cost, Low Noise CMOS RRIO Op Amps Features Gain-bandwidth Product: 10 MHz Low Noise: 8.2 nV/√Hz(f= 1 kHz) Slew Rate: 7.MCP633 - 2.5 mA Op Amps
MCP631/2/3/4/5/9 24 MHz, 2.5 mA Rail-to-Rail Output (RRO) Op Amps Features: Description: • Gain-Bandwidth Product: 24 MHz • Slew Rate: 10 V/µs • N.GS8632 - 6-MHZ CMOS Rail-to-Rail I/O Opamps
GS8631/32/34/31N 6MHZ CMOS Rail-to-Rail IO Opamps Features • Single-Supply Operation from +2.1V ~ +5.5V • Rail-to-Rail Input / Output • Gain-Bandwid.AD8065 - FastFET Op Amps
Data Sheet FEATURES Qualified for automotive applications FET input amplifier 1 pA input bias current Low cost High speed: 145 MHz, −3 dB bandwidth (G.LT1201 - Op Amps
UO UO U FEATURES s 1mA Supply Current per Amplifier s 50V/µs Slew Rate s 12MHz Gain-Bandwidth s Unity-Gain Stable s 330ns Settling Time to 0.1%, 10V .MAX4395 - 85MHz Op Amps
MAX4389/MAX4390/ MAX4392–MAX4396 Ultra-Small, Low-Cost, 85MHz Op Amps with Rail-to-Rail Outputs and Disable General Description The MAX4389/MAX4390/.AD8034 - Op Amps
FEATURES FET input amplifier 1 pA typical input bias current Very low cost High speed 80 MHz, −3 dB bandwidth (G = +1) 80 V/μs slew rate (G = +2) Low .TP1562AL1 - Op Amps
Features ⚫ Supply Voltage: 2.5V to 6.0V ⚫ Low Supply Current: typical 600μA per channel ⚫ Rail to Rail Input and Output ⚫ Bandwidth: typical 6 MHz ⚫ S.LT6003 - 1.6V 1uA Precision Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Op Amps
LT6003/LT6004/LT6005 1.6V, 1µA Precision Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Op Amps FEATURES Wide Supply Range: 1.6V to 16V Low Supply Current: 1µA/Amp.TP2584 - Op Amps
TP2581/ TP2582/ TP2584 36V, 10MHz, 8V/μs Op Amps Features Supply Voltage: 3V to 36V Differential Input Voltage Range to Supply Rail Input Rail .LT1057 - JFET Input Precision High Speed Op Amps
LT1057/LT1058 Dual and Quad, JFET Input Precision High Speed Op Amps FEATURES n 14V/µs Slew Rate: 10V/µs Min n 5MHz Gain-Bandwidth Product n Fast .LT1125 - High Speed Precision Op Amps
LT1124/LT1125 Features Dual/Quad Low Noise, High Speed Precision Op Amps Description n 100% Tested Low Voltage Noise: 2.7nV/√Hz Typ 4.2nV/√Hz Ma.AD9631 - Wide Bandwidth Voltage Feedback Op Amps
Data Sheet Ultralow Distortion, Wide Bandwidth Voltage Feedback Op Amps AD9631/AD9632 FEATURES Wide bandwidth AD9631, G = +1 AD9632, G = +2 Small si.AD741 - Low Cost/ High Accuracy IC Op Amps
a FEATURES Precision Input Characteristics Low VOS: 0.5 mV max (L) Low VOS Drift: 5 V/؇C max (L) Low Ib: 50 nA max (L) Low lOS: 5 nA max (L) High CM.TP1512 - Op Amps
TP1511/TP1511N/TP1512/TP1514 Stable 150kHz, 4μA, Rail-to-Rail, EveryCapTM Op Amps Features Stable 150kHz GBWP Over Temperature Range Stable 150kH.MXL1013 - Dual/Quad Precision Op Amps
19-0133; Rev. 3; 4/98 Dual/Quad Precision Op Amps General Description The Maxim MXL1013 is a precision dual op amp that upgrades the performance of p.