NE612 - Double-balanced mixer and oscillator
RF COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS SA612A Double-balanced mixer and oscillator Product specification Replaces data of September 17, 1990 IC17 Data Handbook 1.NE5534 - Dual and single low noise op amp
Philips Semiconductors Linear Products Product specification Dual and single low noise op amp NE5533/5533A/ NE/SA/SE5534/5534A DESCRIPTION The 553.NE5534A - Dual and single low noise op amp
Philips Semiconductors Linear Products Product specification Dual and single low noise op amp NE5533/5533A/ NE/SA/SE5534/5534A DESCRIPTION The 553.BB910 - VHF variable capacitance diode
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET M3D051 BB910 VHF variable capacitance diode Product specification Supersedes data of April 1992 File under Discre.NE5560 - Switched-mode power supply control circuit
Philips Semiconductors Product specification Switched-mode power supply control circuit NE/SE5560 DESCRIPTION The NE/SE5560 is a control circuit f.BB130 - AM variable capacitance diode
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET alfpage M3D053 BB130 AM variable capacitance diode Product specification Supersedes data of April 1992 File under.BB405 - UHF variable capacitance diode
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET alfpage M3D050 BB405B UHF variable capacitance diode Product specification Supersedes data of April 1992 File und.BC108 - NPN general purpose transistors
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET M3D125 BC107; BC108; BC109 NPN general purpose transistors Product specification Supersedes data of 1997 Jun 03 F.BB202 - Low-voltage variable capacitance diode
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET M3D319 BB202 Low-voltage variable capacitance diode Product specification 2002 Feb 18 Philips Semiconductors Pr.NE5533 - Dual and single low noise op amp
Philips Semiconductors Linear Products Product specification Dual and single low noise op amp NE5533/5533A/ NE/SA/SE5534/5534A DESCRIPTION The 553.BB212 - AM variable capacitance double diode
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET alfpage M3D152 BB212 AM variable capacitance double diode Product specification Supersedes data of April 1992 Fil.BAW56W - High-speed double diode
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET book, halfpage M3D102 BAW56W High-speed double diode Product specification Supersedes data of 1996 Sep 17 1999 Ma.BC160 - PNP Medium Power Transistor
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET M3D110 BC160; BC161 PNP medium power transistors Product specification Supersedes data of September 1994 File und.NE567 - Tone decoder/phase-locked loop
Philips Semiconductors Linear Products Product specification Tone decoder/phase-locked loop NE/SE567 DESCRIPTION The NE/SE567 tone and frequency d.NE8392C - Coaxial transceiver interface for Ethernet/Thin Ethernet
Philips Semiconductors Product specification Coaxial transceiver interface for Ethernet/Thin Ethernet NE8392C DESCRIPTION The NE8392C Coaxial Tran.NE592 - Video amplifier
Philips Semiconductors RF Communications Products Product specification Video amplifier NE592 DESCRIPTION The NE592 is a monolithic, two-stage, di.BB809 - VHF variable capacitance diode
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET alfpage M3D050 BB809 VHF variable capacitance diode Product specification Supersedes data of April 1992 File unde.BB909B - VHF variable capacitance diodes
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET M3D051 BB909A; BB909B VHF variable capacitance diodes Product specification Supersedes data of April 1992 File un.BC140-10 - NPN medium power transistor
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET M3D110 BC140; BC141 NPN medium power transistors Product specification Supersedes data of September 1994 File und.BC140-16 - NPN medium power transistor
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET M3D110 BC140; BC141 NPN medium power transistors Product specification Supersedes data of September 1994 File und.