TFD312S - TO-220F 3A Thyristor with built-in Avalanche diode
TO-220F 3A Thyristor with built-in Avalanche diode TFD312S series s Features qWith built-in Avalanche diode qAverage on-state current: IT(AV)=3A qGat.SKKT26 - Thyristor / Diode Modules
VRSM VRRM (dv/ ITRMS (maximum value for continuous operation) VDRM dt)cr 50 A V V V/µs ITAV (sin. 180; Tcase = 68 °C) 32 A 500 400 500 – – SKK.MCC720-14io7 - Thyristor/Diode Modules
IXYS Date: 2nd June, 2015 Data Sheet Issue: 2 Thyristor/Diode Modules MC#720 Absolute Maximum Ratings VRRM VDRM [V] 1400 1800 720-14io7 720-18io7.DFA150BA80 - THYRISTOR + BRIDGE DIODE PHASE-3
3-PHASE DIODE BRIDGE + THYRISTOR DFA150BA DFA150BA is isolated power module designed for the rectification requiring prevention rush current. This mod.BZ350 - (BZ3xx) Diodes / Thyristors
w w a D . w S a t e e h U 4 t m o .c w w .D w t a S a e h U 4 t e .c m o w w w .D a S a t e e h U 4 t m o .c .IRKL46 - (IRKT41 / IRKT56) THYRISTOR/ DIODE and THYRISTOR/ THYRISTOR ADD-A-pakTM GEN V Power Modules
Bulletin I27131 rev. G 10/02 IRK.41, .56 SERIES THYRISTOR/ DIODE and THYRISTOR/ THYRISTOR Features High Voltage Industrial Standard Package Thick Al .SKKL42 - Thyristor / Diode Modules
www.DataSheet4U.com VRSM VRRM (dv/ VDRM dt)cr V 500 700 V 400 600 V/µs ITRMS (maximum value for continuous operation) 75 A ITAV (sin. 180; Tcase = 6.MCC501-14io2 - Thyristor/Diode Modules
IXYS Date: 29.09.2014 Data Sheet Issue: 3 Thyristor/Diode Modules M## 501 Absolute Maximum Ratings VRRM VDRM [V] 1200 1400 1600 1800 MCC 501-12io2.IRKL41 - (IRKT41 / IRKT56) THYRISTOR/ DIODE and THYRISTOR/ THYRISTOR ADD-A-pakTM GEN V Power Modules
Bulletin I27131 rev. G 10/02 IRK.41, .56 SERIES THYRISTOR/ DIODE and THYRISTOR/ THYRISTOR Features High Voltage Industrial Standard Package Thick Al .IRKH26 - THYRISTOR/ DIODE and THYRISTOR/ THYRISTOR
Bulletin I27130 rev. G 10/02 IRK.26 SERIES THYRISTOR/ DIODE and THYRISTOR/ THYRISTOR Features High Voltage Industrial Standard Package Thick Al metal.IRKT91 - (IRKT71 / IRKT91) THYRISTOR/ DIODE and THYRISTOR/ THYRISTOR
Bulletin I27132 rev. I 09/04 IRK.71, .91 SERIES THYRISTOR/ DIODE and THYRISTOR/ THYRISTOR Features High Voltage Industrial Standard Package Thick Al .IRKT136 - (IRKT136/142/162) THYRISTOR/DIODE and THYRISTOR/THYRISTOR
Bulletin I27117 rev. C 03/02 SERIES IRK.136, .142, .162 THYRISTOR/DIODE and THYRISTOR/THYRISTOR Features High Voltage Electrically Isolated by DBC Ce.MCC501-18io2 - Thyristor/Diode Modules
IXYS Date: 29.09.2014 Data Sheet Issue: 3 Thyristor/Diode Modules M## 501 Absolute Maximum Ratings VRRM VDRM [V] 1200 1400 1600 1800 MCC 501-12io2.MCD501-16io2 - Thyristor/Diode Modules
IXYS Date: 29.09.2014 Data Sheet Issue: 3 Thyristor/Diode Modules M## 501 Absolute Maximum Ratings VRRM VDRM [V] 1200 1400 1600 1800 MCC 501-12io2.SKKH250-16E - Thyristor/Diode
SKKH250/16E Thyristor/Diode Modules FEATURES ·High voltage ·Low gate current ·Low thermal resistance ·Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust device.MCD312-12io1 - Thyristor / Diode Module
Thyristor \ Diode Module Phase leg Part number MCD312-12io1 3 1 5 42 MCD312-12io1 VRRM I TAV VT = 2x 1200 V = 320 A = 1.06 V Backside: isolated F.MCD95-12io8B - Thyristor / Diode Module
Thyristor \ Diode Module Phase leg Part number MCD95-12io8B 3 1 52 MCD95-12io8B VRRM I TAV VT = 2x 1200 V = 116 A = 1.28 V Backside: isolated Fea.MCD132-08io1 - Thyristor / Diode Module
Thyristor \ Diode Module Phase leg Part number MCD132-08io1 3 1 5 42 MCD132-08io1 VRRM I TAV VT = 2x 800 V = 130 A = 1.08 V Backside: isolated Fe.RZ1030 - Avalanche Diodes with built-in Thyristor
Avalanche Diodes with built-in Thyristor Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Type No. VRDC (V) (–10ºC) ITSM (A) 50Hz Half-cycle Sinewave Single Shot E.ECG6412 - (ECG64xx) Bilateral Trigger Diodes / Bidirectional Diode Thyristors
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