CMX869A modem equivalent, low power v.32 bis modem.
* V.32 bis/V.32/V.22 bis/V.22 Automodem (14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, 4800, 2400, 1200 bps Duplex)
* V.22 bis / V.22 Manual Modem (2400, 1200 bps)
* V.23 (1200/7.
Provisional Issue
* EPOS Terminals
* Telephone Telemetry Systems
* Remote Utility Meter Reading
* S.
The CMX869A is a multi-standard modem for use in EPOS terminals, telephone based information and telemetry systems. It can transmit and detect standard DTMF and modem calling and answer signals or user-specific programmed single or dual tone signals..
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